API done for Raketech test. It has a CRUD to one entity "Movie" and a provider for OmdbAPI films.


  1. Request for a API token at OmdbAPI. You problably will receive in e-mail and need to validate it
  2. Clone this repo and create a .env file copying the .env.example file
  3. Put your API token from OmdbAPI there, the rest of the file you can copy from the example
  4. run yarn
  5. run yarn docker:build
  6. run yarn docker:start
  7. run yarn typeorm migration:run
  8. run yarn docker:restart
  9. run yarn start:dev

If its working you may see in console:

  Database connected successfully
  Server running under http://localhost:$port

Routes & params

bold params are mandatory

GET /movie/:id

  • PARAMS id: string (imdb id of movie)

GET /movie/search

if you don't put params, it will return all movies

  • QUERY search: string (title of the movie to search)
  • QUERY year: string (year of the movie to match, needs to be exact)
  • QUERY type: string (type of movie, it can be 'movie' | 'series' | 'episode')

POST /movie

  • BODY imdbId: string (imdb if of movie)

PUT /movie/:id

  • PARAMS id: string (imdb id of movie)
  • BODY type: string (type field of movie)
  • BODY title: string (title field of movie)
  • BODY year: string (year field of movie)
  • BODY poster_image: string (poster_image field of movie)
  • BODY rated: string (rated field of movie)
  • BODY released: string (released field of movie)
  • BODY runtime: string (runtime field of movie)
  • BODY genre: string (genre field of movie)
  • BODY director: string (director field of movie)
  • BODY writer: string (writer field of movie)
  • BODY actors: string (actors field of movie)
  • BODY plot: string (plot field of movie)
  • BODY plot_full: string (plot_full field of movie)
  • BODY language: string (language field of movie)
  • BODY country: string (country field of movie)
  • BODY awards: string (awards field of movie)
  • BODY metascore: string (metascore field of movie)
  • BODY imdbRating: string (imdbRating field of movie)
  • BODY imdbVotes: string (imdbVotes field of movie)
  • BODY imdbID: string (imdbID field of movie)
  • BODY release_dvd: string (release_dvd field of movie)
  • BODY boxOffice: string (boxOffice field of movie)
  • BODY production: string (production field of movie)
  • BODY website: string (website field of movie)

DELETE /movie/:id

  • PARAMS id: uuid string (id of movie)