HTTP authentication middleware.
Compliant with RFC 9110, 11 HTTP Authentication.
For a definition of Universal HTTP middleware, see the http-middleware project.
You specify the Authenticate scheme and provide the authentication function for token.
import {
type Handler,
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
declare const authentication: Authentication;
declare const request: Request;
declare const handler: Handler;
const middleware = auth(authentication);
const response = await middleware(request, handler);
Provides ready-to-use Authorization for Basic Authentication.
Compliant with RFC 7617, The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.
import {
type Handler,
type User,
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { assert } from "";
import { assertSpyCalls, spy } from "";
declare const admin: User;
declare const request: Request;
declare const handler: Handler;
const middleware = auth(
new Basic(({ username, password }) => {
const userResult = timingSafeEqual(username, admin.username);
const passResult = timingSafeEqual(password, admin.password);
return userResult && passResult;
const spiedHandler = spy(handler);
const response = await middleware(request, spiedHandler);
assertSpyCalls(spiedHandler, 0);
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Secure area"
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