
HTTP network error logging(NEL) middleware

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HTTP network error logging(NEL) middleware.

Compliant with W3C, Network Error Logging.


For a definition of Universal HTTP middleware, see the http-middleware project.


Middleware adds the NEL header to the response.

import {
  type Handler,
} from "https://deno.land/x/nel_middleware@$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";

declare const request: Request;
declare const handler: Handler;

const middleware = nel({ report_to: "default", max_age: 86400 });
const response = await middleware(request, handler);



NEL: {"report_to":"default","max_age":86400}


Specifying NEL policy is mandatory.

Name Type Required Description
max_age number NEL policy lifetime.
report_to string - Endpoint group to which the report will be sent.
include_subdomains boolean - Whether to enable origin subdomains.
success_fraction number - Sampling rate for successful network requests.
failure_fraction number - Sampling rate for failed network requests.
request_headers string[] - Request header field to be included in the report.
response_headers string[] - Response header field to be included in the report.

Serialization error

If serialization fails, an error may be thrown.

Cases that throw an error are as follows:

  • max_age is not non-negative integer
  • success_fraction and failure_fraction is not unit interval
import { nel } from "https://deno.land/x/nel_middleware@$VERSION/middleware.ts";
import { assertThrows } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";

assertThrows(() => nel({ max_age: NaN }));
assertThrows(() => nel({ max_age: 0, success_fraction: 1.1 }));
assertThrows(() => nel({ max_age: 0, failure_fraction: -1 }));


Middleware will execute if all of the following conditions are met:

  • NEL header does not exist in response


Middleware may make changes to the following elements of the HTTP message.

  • HTTP Headers
    • NEL


All APIs can be found in the deno doc.


Copyright © 2023-present httpland.

Released under the MIT license