Hi Ladys and Gentlemen, my name is Ricardo, but you can call me MERAK or Asmita; whatever!

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About me

Student of Business Administration at Faculdade Estácio de Sá in Rio de Janeiro 🏫, responsible for the online store for personalized products Nossas Estrelas and passionate about technology, and an aspiring software developer 💻.

💻 My Workspace

💬 Talking about Personal Stuffs:

    🛠   I’m currently working with Nodejs, Express, React, Mongodb, Javascript, etc.
    🚀   I’m currently learning Full Stack Development.
    👨🏻‍💻   Most of my projects are available on Github
    💬   Ask me about anything here! I am happy to help.
    👾   Fun fact: Equal is Not Always Equal in Javascript.
    📝   Checkout my Resume

⚙️ Back-end

Js React NextJS Python

🖌️ Front-end

HTML CSS Bootstrap

⚒️ Tools and Environments

VSCode Git

💾 Lasts Projects

📫 How to reach me?

Github LinkedIn
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