Notice: hrp has been merged into HttpRunner v4.0 and this repo is archived.
aims to be a one-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing, covering API testing, load testing and digital experience monitoring (DEM).
HttpRunner 用户调研问卷 持续收集中,我们将基于用户反馈动态调整产品特性和需求优先级。
- Full support for HTTP(S)/1.1 requests.
- Support more protocols, HTTP/2, WebSocket, TCP, RPC etc.
- Testcases can be described in multiple formats,
, and they are interchangeable. - Use Charles/Fiddler/Chrome/etc to record HTTP requests and generate testcases from exported
. - Supports
mechanisms to create extremely complex test scenarios. - Data driven with
mechanism, supporting sequential/random/unique strategies to select data. - Built-in 100+ commonly used functions for ease, including md5sum, max/min, sleep, gen_random_string etc.
- Create and call custom functions with
mechanism, support hashicorp plugin and go plugin. - Generate html reports with rich test results.
- Using it as a
CLI tool
or alibrary
are both supported.
Base on the API testing testcases, you can run professional load testing without extra work.
- Inherit all powerful features of
. - Report performance metrics to prometheus pushgateway.
- Use
to define a set of end-user actions that represent the real user activities. - Use
points to force Vusers to perform tasks concurrently during test execution. - Load testing with specified concurrent users or constant RPS, also supports spawn rate.
- Support mixed-scenario testing with custom weight.
- Simulate browser's HTTP parallel connections.
- IP spoofing.
- Run in distributed mode to generate unlimited RPS.
You can also monitor online services for digital experience assessments.
- HTTP(S) latency statistics including DNSLookup, TCP connections, SSL handshakes, content transfers, etc.
indicators including latency, throughput and packets loss. - traceroute
- DNS monitoring
You can install hrp
with one shell command, which will download the latest version's released binary and install to the current system.
# install via curl
$ bash -c "$(curl -ksSL"
# install via wget
$ bash -c "$(wget -O -)"
If you are a golang developer, you can also install hrp
with go get
$ go get
Since installed, you will get a hrp
command with multiple sub-commands.
$ hrp -h
██╗ ██╗████████╗████████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗
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hrp (HttpRunner+) aims to be a one-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing, covering API testing,
load testing and digital experience monitoring (DEM). Enjoy! ✨ 🚀 ✨
License: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2021 debugtalk
hrp [command]
Available Commands:
boom run load test with boomer
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
har2case convert HAR to json/yaml testcase files
help Help about any command
run run API test
startproject create a scaffold project
-h, --help help for hrp
--log-json set log to json format
-l, --log-level string set log level (default "INFO")
-v, --version version for hrp
Use "hrp [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You can use hrp run
command to run HttpRunner JSON/YAML testcases. The following is an example running examples/demo.json
$ hrp run examples/demo.json
5:21PM INF Set log to color console other than JSON format.
5:21PM ??? Set log level
5:21PM INF [init] SetDebug debug=true
5:21PM INF [init] SetFailfast failfast=true
5:21PM INF [init] Reset session variables
5:21PM INF load json testcase path=/Users/debugtalk/MyProjects/HttpRunner-dev/hrp/examples/demo.json
5:21PM INF call function success arguments=[5] funcName=gen_random_string output=A65rg
5:21PM INF call function success arguments=[12.3,3.45] funcName=max output=12.3
5:21PM INF run testcase start testcase="demo with complex mechanisms"
5:21PM INF transaction name=tran1 type=start
5:21PM INF run step start step="get with params"
5:21PM INF call function success arguments=[12.3,34.5] funcName=max output=34.5
-------------------- request --------------------
GET /get?foo1=A65rg&foo2=34.5 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: HttpRunnerPlus
==================== response ===================
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 304
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:21:30 GMT
Etag: W/"130-t7qE4M7C+OQ0jGdRWkr2R3gjq+w"
Set-Cookie: sails.sid=s%3AAiqfRgMtWKG3oOQnXJOxRD8xk58rtAW6.eD%2BBo7FBnA82XLsLFiadeg6OcuD2zHSTyhv2l%2FDVuCk; Path=/; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding
5:21PM INF extract value from=body.args.foo1 value=A65rg
5:21PM INF set variable value=A65rg variable=varFoo1
5:21PM INF validate status_code assertMethod=equals checkValue=200 expectValue=200 result=true
5:21PM INF validate headers."Content-Type" assertMethod=startswith checkValue="application/json; charset=utf-8" expectValue=application/json result=true
5:21PM INF validate body.args.foo1 assertMethod=length_equals checkValue=A65rg expectValue=5 result=true
5:21PM INF validate $varFoo1 assertMethod=length_equals checkValue=A65rg expectValue=5 result=true
5:21PM INF validate body.args.foo2 assertMethod=equals checkValue=34.5 expectValue=34.5 result=true
5:21PM INF run step end exportVars={"varFoo1":"A65rg"} step="get with params" success=true
5:21PM INF transaction name=tran1 type=end
5:21PM INF transaction elapsed=1021.174113 name=tran1
5:21PM INF run step start step="post json data"
5:21PM INF call function success arguments=[12.3,3.45] funcName=max output=12.3
-------------------- request --------------------
POST /post HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
==================== response ===================
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 424
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:21:30 GMT
Etag: W/"1a8-IhWXQxTXlxmnbqdRh+oBPRTLsOU"
Set-Cookie: sails.sid=s%3AzXIPVMKipoISZG0Zj4tX73vKDbIdFtzZ.xD50I4UMHUERmcgWfp64f0a8g%2BT9YIUf0Fi1l5bXbQA; Path=/; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding
{"args":{},"data":{"foo1":"A65rg","foo2":12.3},"files":{},"form":{},"headers":{"x-forwarded-proto":"https","x-forwarded-port":"443","host":"","x-amzn-trace-id":"Root=1-61c43f9a-78aab84a36a753ea6b5dd0f7","content-length":"28","user-agent":"Go-http-client/1.1","content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8","accept-encoding":"gzip"},"json":{"foo1":"A65rg","foo2":12.3},"url":""}
5:21PM INF validate status_code assertMethod=equals checkValue=200 expectValue=200 result=true
5:21PM INF validate body.json.foo1 assertMethod=length_equals checkValue=A65rg expectValue=5 result=true
5:21PM INF validate body.json.foo2 assertMethod=equals checkValue=12.3 expectValue=12.3 result=true
5:21PM INF run step end exportVars=null step="post json data" success=true
5:21PM INF run step start step="post form data"
5:21PM INF call function success arguments=[12.3,3.45] funcName=max output=12.3
-------------------- request --------------------
POST /post HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
==================== response ===================
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 445
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:21:30 GMT
Etag: W/"1bd-g4G7WmMU7EzJYzPTYgqX67Ug9iE"
Set-Cookie: sails.sid=s%3Al3gcdxEQug7ddxPlA2Kfxvm7d_z9ImEt.4IQI1SVX5xuTefX0N0UvJPQxVvA1SAMm7ztHESkHXsY; Path=/; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding
{"args":{},"data":"","files":{},"form":{"foo1":"A65rg","foo2":"12.3"},"headers":{"x-forwarded-proto":"https","x-forwarded-port":"443","host":"","x-amzn-trace-id":"Root=1-61c43f9a-6458626c64b04fd60245714b","content-length":"20","user-agent":"Go-http-client/1.1","content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8","accept-encoding":"gzip"},"json":{"foo1":"A65rg","foo2":"12.3"},"url":""}
5:21PM INF validate status_code assertMethod=equals checkValue=200 expectValue=200 result=true
5:21PM INF validate body.form.foo1 assertMethod=length_equals checkValue=A65rg expectValue=5 result=true
5:21PM INF validate body.form.foo2 assertMethod=equals checkValue=12.3 expectValue=12.3 result=true
5:21PM INF run step end exportVars=null step="post form data" success=true
5:21PM INF run testcase end testcase="demo with complex mechanisms"
Beside using hrp
as a CLI tool, you can also use it as golang library.
$ go get -u
This is an example of HttpRunner+
testcase. You can find more in the examples
import (
func TestCaseDemo(t *testing.T) {
demoTestCase := &hrp.TestCase{
Config: hrp.NewConfig("demo with complex mechanisms").
WithVariables(map[string]interface{}{ // global level variables
"n": 5,
"a": 12.3,
"b": 3.45,
"varFoo1": "${gen_random_string($n)}",
"varFoo2": "${max($a, $b)}", // 12.3; eval with built-in function
TestSteps: []hrp.IStep{
hrp.NewStep("transaction 1 start").StartTransaction("tran1"), // start transaction
hrp.NewStep("get with params").
WithVariables(map[string]interface{}{ // step level variables
"n": 3, // inherit config level variables if not set in step level, a/varFoo1
"b": 34.5, // override config level variable if existed, n/b/varFoo2
"varFoo2": "${max($a, $b)}", // 34.5; override variable b and eval again
WithParams(map[string]interface{}{"foo1": "$varFoo1", "foo2": "$varFoo2"}). // request with params
WithHeaders(map[string]string{"User-Agent": "HttpRunnerPlus"}). // request with headers
WithJmesPath("body.args.foo1", "varFoo1"). // extract variable with jmespath
AssertEqual("status_code", 200, "check response status code"). // validate response status code
AssertStartsWith("headers.\"Content-Type\"", "application/json", ""). // validate response header
AssertLengthEqual("body.args.foo1", 5, "check args foo1"). // validate response body with jmespath
AssertLengthEqual("$varFoo1", 5, "check args foo1"). // assert with extracted variable from current step
AssertEqual("body.args.foo2", "34.5", "check args foo2"), // notice: request params value will be converted to string
hrp.NewStep("transaction 1 end").EndTransaction("tran1"), // end transaction
hrp.NewStep("post json data").
"foo1": "$varFoo1", // reference former extracted variable
"foo2": "${max($a, $b)}", // 12.3; step level variables are independent, variable b is 3.45 here
AssertEqual("status_code", 200, "check status code").
AssertLengthEqual("body.json.foo1", 5, "check args foo1").
AssertEqual("body.json.foo2", 12.3, "check args foo2"),
hrp.NewStep("post form data").
WithHeaders(map[string]string{"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"}).
"foo1": "$varFoo1", // reference former extracted variable
"foo2": "${max($a, $b)}", // 12.3; step level variables are independent, variable b is 3.45 here
AssertEqual("status_code", 200, "check status code").
AssertLengthEqual("body.form.foo1", 5, "check args foo1").
AssertEqual("body.form.foo2", "12.3", "check args foo2"), // form data will be converted to string
err := hrp.NewRunner(nil).Run(demoTestCase) // hrp.Run(demoTestCase)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("run testcase error: %v", err)
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