
An Ace Editor field type for Craft CMS

Primary LanguagePHP

Ace Freely

An Ace Editor field type for Craft CMS


  1. Move the 'acefreely' folder into your Craft plugins folder.
  2. Go to Settings > Plugins in the Craft control panel.
  3. Install the Ace Freely plugin.
  4. You can now create Ace Freely fields from within Settings > Fields.


There are a few different ways to use Ace Freely depending on how you want to output your content.

Code Sample

Wrap the field's value in a <pre> element to output a code sample.

<pre>{{ entry.aceFreelyFieldHandle }}</pre>

HTML, CSS or JS Sample

Pass HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content through Twig's raw filter.

{{ entry.aceFreelyFieldHandle | raw }}

Markdown Sample

Pass Markdown content through Craft's markdown filter.

{{ entry.aceFreelyFieldHandle | markdown }}

Twig Sample

Pass Twig content through Ace Freely's ace_parse filter.

{{ entry.aceFreelyFieldHandle | ace_parse }}