The official IMI showtime Website:
every push to master, including drafts:
every push to master, without drafts (same as production):
The default branch was renamed to main! If you want to continue working with your existing clone, you need to rename your master branch to main
git branch -m master main
git fetch origin main
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a
Please remember to keep your images as small as possible!
If you want to add your project to the website, please follow these steps and create a pull request when you're done:
- Fork the project to your GitHub account.
- Clone the project:
2.a Without archive submodule:
git clone --depth 1<your-account>/showtime-website.git
cd showtime-website
you can always get the archive later by running: (currently about 1,3G)
git submodule update --init project-archive
2.b Complete with archive submodules:
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules<your-account>/showtime-website.git
cd showtime-website
Install Hugo (extended) from
You can check your installation by executinghugo server
and visiting http://localhost:1313/ in your browser.If you get an error:
Did you forget to clone the submodules? If so, you can get the theme submodule by running
Did you install the Hugo extended version? This is needed for Hugo to correctly compile the theme's SCSS files
Create a branch
As we are using the forking workflow on the showtime website, never change main directly, but keep it synced with the main repository. Always work in branches. After your changes have been merged with a pull request, discard the branch, update main (get your merged changes squashed into one commit) and create a new branch from there.
git checkout -b b0_first_version_of_our_project_site_or_anything_else_you_fancy_as_a_branch_name
- Create a new project directory for your project by duplicating either the bachelor's or the master's sample project directory:
cp -R content/ws23/bachelor/b0-template/ content/ws23/bachelor/b#-your-project/
cp -R content/ws23/master/m0-template/ content/ws23/master/m#-your-project/
Please make sure to include your project number! (e.g. b2, m1, ...)
File names need to be all lower case, WITHOUT SPACES and no special characters except - and _ . see bin/check-project-update-pr/
Fill out your project's homepage
and any subpages in your project's directory you'd like to keep. Delete the subpages you don't need.\Have a look at the section documentation below or the template projects for including headings.
If you need help with the markdown syntax, have a look at this Markdown Cheatsheet.
You may also put images in your project's directory (less than 100 MB per file, please upload videos to the HTW Mediathek and embed them). For an example on how to include videos, images, quotes and GitHub gists, please have a look at the documentation below or the examples included in the template projects. -
Preview your changes locally to make sure everything looks fine by executing
hugo server --buildDrafts
and visiting http://localhost:1313/ in your browser. (of usemake
) -
Add your changes to the git index, commit them to the repository and push them to GitHub:
git add content/ss24/<bachelor|master>/<project_number-your-project>
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push
- Create a new pull request on GitHub that merges your version of the repo's
branch onto the htw-imi-showtimemaster
branch. (GitHub Help: Creating a pull request from a fork)
Once your branch was merged, you may preview your project's page on our staging server:
Note: we are essentially using the "Forking Workflow" as described in the Atlassian Documentation here:
I've started a documentation on how we should use the forking workflow here: (will not be merged to main due to file sizes)
You can easily deploy your fork on GH-Pages by following the instructions here:
The workflow is ".github/workflows/gh-pages-action.yml"
For a detailed Description of the Website Release process, see this page:
see doc/
In addition to the required content you can add any content you want - at least this term (summer semester 2022) this site replaces the Showtime Fair with the booths and posters. Please consider
- the Urheberrecht for all material you provide: Include the information (source, creator etc.) in the caption
- please reduce the file sizes for all images and videos that are included in the site
You may now add subpages. Please do not add new subpages or change the names of the included subpages. We want all the projects to have a similar structure, so the website is more consistent for visitors.
A section "pairs" a text block (one or multiple paragraphs) with a heading.
Note that the caption parameter is optional and may be left out for disabling the caption.
Example: Including image.png
with "Alt text" as alt text and "Is displayed below the image" as caption.
Example: Including image.png
with "Alt text" as alt text and no caption:
If you want to display multiple images next to each other (e.g. app screenshots) instead of displaying them over the full width of the page, you may use the gallery shortcode to do so. The gallery displays up to three images next to each other. When a row reaches three images and another image is added to the gallery, it will continue in the next row.
The team gallery displays images of your team using round images. For an example please also have a look at the bachelor's template project.
Please upload your videos to the HTW Mediathek and embed them using the Mediathek Player. Please DO NOT embed YouTube-Videos into your project pages (The YouTube video player doesn't conform to/is not covered in our privacy policy).
Note that the title parameter is optional and may be left out for only displaying the player without a heading.
Example: Embedding
Example: Embedding
This repository contains a utility script to transition the website to a new semester.
It changes the semester set in the config file (current_semester
in config/_default/config.toml
) and
scaffolds the folder structure for the projects of the new semester.
./ <semester>
Example: Transitioning to summer semester 2022
./ ss22
Every push to main results in a deploy to
- development: (with drafts)
- staging: (without drafts)
Every push on main is deployed to the Github Page in the repo
see the workflow definition in .github/workflows/deploy-staging.yml
the secret ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY in
is defined in
For production, each github release is build and scp'ed to
see the workflow definition in .github/workflows/deploy-production.yml
for the scp, the rsa key credentials must be set correctly in the Repo's Secrets - generate new ones with root access on the server if lost.
- Tag the according commit and push the tag: git tag 2021.1.2 git push
with 2021.1 for the first semester in 2021 (summer) and .2 for the second version.