This repo is only for building the clients and tools.
- master - dev branch, currently working 64bit client with memorymanager disabled, builds using Visual Studio 2019(v142) 10.0.19041.0
- TheLastBranchyBranch - latest stable 32bit, clients and most tools building and working, builds using Visual Studio 2019(v142) 10.0.19041.0
- cleaned up projects and settings, fixed most warnings
- removed stlport, mozilla, vivox, soeutils, some unused stuff
- upgraded dxsdk, libxml, libjgp, pcre, perforce, zlib
- 64bit client: replaced miles with fmod, removed soemfc, bink, libtcg, liblcd, some initial work on DX11 renderer(up to the point for shader/fx conversions/rewrite)
- added cfgs and copying build outputs into their own seperate folders in project root
- Flex / Bison
- Perl
- C++ MFC for latest v142(x86 & x64)
- Clientassets( and TOCS/TRES from the client are assumed to be put in /data/SWGClient, dsrc in /dsrc
- Due to Github file size limitation, the perforce libs need to be manually unzipped (required for godclient and a few tools) (/src/external/3rd/library/perforce/lib/win32
- also Perforce provides no debug version of their libs, so no debug builds for those projects atm
- Some tools dont work/build, due to missing ui scripts or server side includes, some are simply incomplete/broken