
Object Detection (Tensorflow) and horizon line detection (OpenCV) for drone images

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Iris Drone Challenge

This is a submission to the Iris Challenge. Taken from the challenge instructions:

There are 31 images in the dataset. They are all taken from drones in a range of different environments.Provide us with as much contextual awareness about these environments as you possibly can. We want to automatically understand everything about the scene in the way a human pilot might.

This repo contains two parts:

  • Object detection model for clouds, sun, houses, and trees
  • Horizon line detector


The detector (detector/*) uses the TF Object Detection API. The procedure is as follows:

  • Find images on the internet, use LabelImg to label them (I used a tiny dataset of 20 images)
  • Generate TFRecords files for training using detector/generate_dataset.ipynb
  • Train a model from a pre-trained coco OD model using detector/train_model.ipynb
  • Run the saved model on the the challenge test_images using detector/run_model.ipynb

Horizon Angle

The horizon angle regression model (horizon/*) uses OpenCV built-ins. The procedure is as follows:

  • Preprocess image (gray, blurring)
  • Use Canny Edge Detection on image, dilate the resulting edges
  • Use Hough Line Transform to get lines, fine tune parameters as needed
  • Average the resulting Hough Lines to get the horizon


Below are some hand-picked results. (Find more in output_images/*)

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Hugo Ponte