
cs224n 2019 Note & Assignment Code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stanford / Winter 2019


The collection of ALL relevant materials about CS224N-Stanford/Winter 2019 course. THANKS TO THE PROFESSOR AND TAs!
All the rights of the relevant materials belong to Standfor University.
斯坦福大学CS224N 【2019】课程的【所有】相关的资料。感谢Chris Manning教授和Abigail See,感谢所有助教!

Assignment 1 : Introduction to word vectors

Assignment 2 : Derivatives and implementation of word2vec algorithm

Assignment 3 : Dependency parsing and neural network foundations

Assignment 4 : Neural Machine Translation with sequence-to-sequence and attention

Assignment 5 : Neural Machine Translation with ConvNets and subword modeling


  1. cs224n-2019-lecture01-wordvecs1
  2. cs224n-2019-lecture02-wordvecs2
  3. cs224n-2019-lecture03-neuralnets
  4. cs224n-2019-lecture04-backprop
  5. cs224n-2019-lecture05-dep-parsing
  6. cs224n-2019-lecture06-rnnlm ...

