Sample App:
You can also download WeaterView Library Demo apk to check out what can be done with it.
Starting from the 1.1.0 version this library is using a different setter structure. Please look at the above documentation
WeatherView is an Android Library that helps you make a cool weather animation for your app.
This library is based on this Leonids library.
##Setup ###Android Studio / grandle Add the following dependency to the build.gradle of your project:
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.MatteoBattilana:WeatherView:1.1.0'
###Basic usage
By default the WeatherView is set to SUN, no animation is showed.
It is possible to change or initialize the weather status with the setWeather(weatherStatus) method.
The animation is stopped by default and must be started with startAnimation(). When the animation is playing and the previous method is called the animation is stopped and must be restarted. WeatherView requires minSDK 14.
You can check the WeatherView Demo Library source code.
Here a basic example:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WeatherView mWeatherView = (WeatherView) findViewById(;
Include WeatherView into activity_main.xml
It also allows xml customization with the follow attributes:
- angle is the angle of the single particle, 0 is perpendicular to the ground. This value must be greater than -180 and less than 180.
- fps must be greater than 7 and less than 100.
- lifeTime is the falling time of a single particle. After this time the particle stop exist. Must be greater than 0.
- fadeOutTime during lifeTime the particle starts to fade out. This fade out animation lasts the specified duration. Must be greater than 0.
- numParticles number of particle for a second. Must be grather than 0.
- startingWeather you can specify the stating weather status but startAnimation() MUST BE CALLED.
##Available Methods List of the methods available on the class WeatherView.
Since from 1.1.0 there is only one constructor.
###Configuration Available methods for the configuration are:
- setWeather(weatherStatus mWeatherStatus): RAIN, SUN or SNOW.
- setLifeTime(int time) Set the time of the current animation showed
- getLifeTime()
- setFadeOutTime(int fadeOutTime) Set the fadeOutTime to the all animation
- getFadeOutTime()
- setParticles(int particles) Set the particles of the current animation showed
- getParticles()
- setAngle(int angle) Set the angle of every single particle of the current animation showed
- getAngle()
- setFPS(int fps) once you call this method the animation is atomatically stopped by default with the cancelAnimation() method.
- getFPS()
- startAnimation()
- stopAnimation() Stops the emission of new particles, but the active ones are updated.
- cancelAnimation() Stops the emission of new particles, the active ones are stopped and cancelled.
- getCurrentWeather()
- isPlaying()
- resetConfiguration() Reset all the values to the default values
##License details Copyright 2016 Matteo Battilana
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The library is Free Software, you can use it, extended with no requirement to open source your changes. You can also make paid apps using it.
A set of screenshot from the demo application.