
Mathematica Packages for Physicists

Primary LanguageMathematica

Mathematica Packages for Physicists


This repository contains Mathematica packages and stylesheets that are useful to my daily research.

  • Packages

    • PauliAlgebra: symbolic handling the algebra and representation of Pauli operators

    • LoopIntegrate: performing loop integration in quantum field theory (with dimension regularization)

    • MatsubaraSum: performing Matsubara summation analytically

    • DiagramEditor: an interactive editor of Feynman diagrams (no diagrammatic evaluation)

    • Themes: a self-made plot theme for Mathematica, called "Academic" (see the StackExchange discussion Is it possible to define a new PlotTheme?)

    • Toolkit: miscellaneous functions, including BZPlot for plotting band structure, tTr for tensor network contraction, ComplexMatrixPlot for complex matrix visualization, Pf for matrix Pfaffian

  • Stylesheets

    • CMU Article: a Mathematica style sheet based on Computer Modern Unicode (i.e. LaTeX default) fonts (the fonts need to be installed separately to the operating system, and the font files can be found in ./CMUfonts)
  • FrontEnd Configuration

For more details, please read the User's Guide (Mathematica) (PDF)


  • To download, click the "download ZIP" button to the right -->

  • To install everything:

    1. unzip this repository in a folder,

    2. open install.m in Mathematica,

    3. click the Run Package button to the top right,

    4. quit Mathematica and restart.