
This script searches for all markdown files in a specified directory, then downloads the images to the destination folder.

Primary LanguagePython

Download images in markdown files

This script searches for all markdown files in a specified directory, extracts image URLs that start with "https://storage.tourcoder.com/", and downloads these images to the destination folder.

Tips: You can set your own Regular expression rules.


  • Python 3
  • requests library (install via pip install requests)


  • Save this script as download_images_in_markdown.py.
  • Run the script using python3 download_images_in_markdown.py.
  • Enter the directory path to search for markdown files when prompted (Absolute Path).
  • Enter the destination folder to save all images (Absolute Path).


  • find_markdown_files(directory): Finds all markdown files in the specified directory.
  • extract_image_urls(markdown_content): Extracts all image URLs that start with "https://storage.tourcoder.com/" from the markdown content.
  • download_image(url, dest_folder): Downloads an image from the specified URL to the destination folder.
  • main(directory, dest_folder): Main function to orchestrate the searching, extracting, and downloading process.
