
a tool to read vtm/vts data generated by SALEc

Primary LanguageC

[UPDATING]: add Vts2dProfile (26/04/2024)

extract 2d crater profile from vts/vtm data usage:

-d [data directory] 
    set the datafile directoty, DEFAULT is current path
-f [input file name]
    set the *.inp file name, DEFAULT is sale2d.inp
    write the profile to binary format
-o [output prefix]
    set the name of output file
-e [Integer]
    set the step that loaded for profile


This is a simple tool to read vtm/vts data generated by SALEc and output a slice plane data. This tool is much faster than pvbatch in ParView. The vtm/vts in SALEc is similar with citcoms and this tool can also applied to citcoms's binary output.

cd SALEcVtsReader-dir
mkdir build 
cd build
cmake .. && make

The default compile flag is -O0 and it can be edited if necessary.


SALEcVtsRead need a input file to specify the vts/vtm data dir. The executable file is SALEcVtsReader in build dir after compiled. SALEcVtsReader requires a single argument.

./SALEcVtsReader ./plane.plot

./plane.plot can be replaced by other input file. The following is an example of input.

# example input files for SALEcVtsReader by huachengli
    input = /home/huacheng/Documents/Github/data/pdata/SALEc_20.inp
    step  = [1,1]

    data = /home/huacheng/Documents/Github/data/pdata/Al1100Test
    step = [range,1,2,1]
    output = Plane
    number = 2
    name = [Density,Density]
    nx = [0.0, 0.0]
    ny = [1.0, 0.0]
    nz = [0.0, 1.0]
    d  = [0.0, 0.0]