Co-founder of the Ruby China, 💎 I also created a RubyGems Mirror in China.

  • Before (2011 - 2018): Work for Alibaba and Ant Group.
  • Now: I work for Longbridge Inc. 🌉



  • gpui-component - An UI components write in GPUI.
  • autocorrect - A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
  • rust-i18n - A better and simply I18n crate for Rust.


  • gobackup - CLI tool for backup your databases, files to FTP / SCP / S3 / GCS and other cloud storages.
  • gorm-sharding - High performance table sharding plugin for Gorm.
  • html-pipeline - HTML processing filters and utilities.
  • autocorrect-go - Go version of AutoCorrect.
  • assert - Extends stretchr/testify/assert for add more useful methods.
  • opencc-go - Pure Go version OpenCC 繁簡轉換.
  • nested-set - Nested set model for Gorm.
  • go-pinyin - Forked version Pinyin for Go.

Rails Web App

  • homeland - Open source discussion website.
  • bluedoc - Document management tool for enterprise self host.


  • rails-settings-cached - The best solution for store global settings in Rails applications.
  • action-store - Store different kinds of actions (Like, Follow, Star, Block, etc.) in a single table via ActiveRecord Polymorphic Associations.
  • second_level_cache - Second level cache for ActiveRecord for make your application faster.
  • rucaptcha - Captcha gem for Rails Applications which generates captcha image by Rust.
  • notifications - Notifications Center engine like GitHub or other application for any Rails applications.
  • audit-log - Trail audit logs (Operation logs) into the database for user behaviors, including a Web UI to query logs.
  • sql-builder - A simple SQL builder for generate SQL for non-ActiveRecord supports database.


  • feishu-pages - Generate Feishu Wiki into a Markdown for work with Static Page Generators.


  • rails - Ruby on Rails
  • gitlab - GitLab Project
  • gorm - The fantastic ORM library for Go.
  • pest - A Rust general purpose parser.
  • zed - Zed text editor.