
Skycons for iOS - Swift Edition, Swift 2.2 and Swift 3.0 see branches

Primary LanguageSwift


~Master updated to Swift 3.0, branch 2.2 still available.

This is a port of the animated HTML5 canvas weather icons - Skycons from forecast.io - to Swift. Credit goes to zachwaugh as this project is translated from his works with minor bug fixes.

This is a one day transfer from zachwaugh's Objective C code to Swift, so it is not as Swifty as it should be.


Create a SKYIconView, with a frame in mind. Set the type of weather and color, then use as you would use a UIView. It will be animated by default and the animation can be turned off by setting the new that you have created to pause

let iconView = SKYIconView(frame: frame)
iconView.setType = .ClearDay
iconView.setColor = UIColor.cyanColor()
iconView.pause To pause the animation when needed




This is released into the public domain, same as the originals.