
Support Pytorch DistributedDataParallel Image Quality Assessment.

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository only support DDP training.

environments: ubuntu1~18.04, 4*Tesla V100, Python Version:3.8.10, CUDA Version:11.4

Please make sure your Python version>=3.7. Use pip or conda to install those Packages:


Prepare datasets

If you want to reproduce my pretrained models, you need download koniq10k dataset or other datasets but make sure the folder architecture as follows:

|----->other dataset

txt_file: contains 2-column, column one contains the names of image files, column 2 contains the MOS or DMOS Score.
train.txt for training dataset, test.txt for test dataset.

How to install apex?

apex needs to be installed separately.For torch1.10,modify apex/apex/amp/utils.py:

if cached_x.grad_fn.next_functions[1][0].variable is not x:


if cached_x.grad_fn.next_functions[0][0].variable is not x:

Then use the following orders to install apex:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir ./

Using apex to train can reduce video memory usage by 25%-30%, but the training speed will be slower, the trained model has the same performance as not using apex.

Train and test model

If you want to train or test model,you need enter a training folder directory,then run train.sh and test.sh.

For example,you can enter experiments/mobilenetv3_imgsize_112. If you want to train this model from scratch, please delete checkpoints and log folders first,then run train.sh:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node=2 --master_addr --master_port 10000 ../../tools/train.py  --work-dir ./

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is used to specify the gpu ids for this training.Please make sure the number of nproc_per_node equal to the number of gpu cards. Make sure master_addr/master_port are unique for each training.

if you want to test this model,you need have a pretrained model first,modify pre_model_path in test_config.py,then run test.sh:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node=2 --master_addr --master_port 10000 ../../tools/test.py --work-dir ./

Also, You can modify super parameters in train_config.py/test_config.py.

if you want to convert this model to jit, you need have a pretrained model first, modify pre_model_path and save_jit_path in test_config.py,then run torch2jit.sh:

python ../../tools/torch2jit.py --work-dir ./

Also, You can modify super parameters in test_config.py.

if you want to convert this model to onnx, you need have a pretrained model first, modify pre_model_path and save_onnx_path in test_config.py,then run torch2onnx.sh:

python ../../tools/torch2onnx.py --work-dir ./

Also, You can modify super parameters in test_config.py.

IQA-Regression training results

Koniq10k training results

Network macs params input size gpu num batch warm up lr decay apex syncbn epochs SROCC PLCC
MUSIQ 372.36G 125.541M 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 86.88 86.58
Vgg16 15.347G 14.740M 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 87.53 89.33
Vgg16_Nopretrain 15.347G 14.740M 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 74.56 77.34
Shufflenetv2 33.714M 143.329K 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 72.37 75.48
Shufflenetv2_Rank 33.714M 143.329K 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 56.71 60.37
Mobilenet_v3_small 60.864M 955.233K 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 67.64 72.71
Regnet_y_400mf 417.743M 3.925M 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 70.28 72.56
RepVgg-A0 1.529G 7.891M 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 75.46 79.88
MobileOne 1.119G 4.318M 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 38.84 39.17
RepShufflenetV2_0 22.109M 53.017K 224x224 4 Tesla V100 128 0 multistep True False 100 60.31 64.16

You can find more model training details in experiments.

Distillation training results

Koniq10k training results

to be continue...

You can find more model training details in experiments/distillmodel_mobilenetv3_small/.


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