
ethereum contract code retriever with cache

Primary LanguageGo

Etherscan code retriever

This is a Go project that helps to retrieve ethereum contract code from the Etherscan API.

For most of the data on chain, you can query your own node, but for contract source code you need to use Etherscan API.

Why this project useful? The Etherscan API has a rate limit of 5 requests per second(for free). This project can be used to cache the contract source code in database to avoid hitting the rate limit.

Since the number of contract is limited, especially the well-known contracts or protocols, so it's won't be a problem to store all the contract in database.

Getting Started


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the environment variables.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d to start the PostgreSQL database & app.
  5. Run docker-compose logs -f to check the logs.


If the app is running, you can use the following http endpoint to query the contract code:

  • /code/{address}: Get the contract code by address.

e.g. http://localhost:8080/code/0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48

You get the same result as from Etherscan API.

type SourceCode struct {
	SourceCode           string `json:"sourceCode"`
	ABI                  string `json:"ABI"`
	ContractName         string `json:"contractName"`
	CompilerVersion      string `json:"compilerVersion"`
	OptimizationUsed     string `json:"optimizationUsed"`
	Runs                 string `json:"runs"`
	ConstructorArguments string `json:"constructorArguments"`
	EVMVersion           string `json:"EVMVersion"`
	Library              string `json:"library"`
	LicenseType          string `json:"licenseType"`
	Proxy                string `json:"proxy"`
	Implementation       string `json:"implementation"`
	SwarmSource          string `json:"swarmSource"`

When the contract is a proxy, by default the app will return the implementation contract code. If your intention is to get the proxy contract code, you need to do some modification.


For better understanding, here is the flowchart of the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.