
A Tensorflow implementation of "Real-time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization"

Primary LanguagePython

DB: Real-time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization


This is a TensorFlow implementation of "Real-time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization".

Part of the code is inherited from DB.


ToDo List

  • Release trained models
  • Training code
  • Inference code
  • Muti gpu training
  • Tensorboard support
  • Exp another train losses
  • Eval code
  • Data augmentation(crop and random img aug)
  • More backbones
  • Add dilation conv(ASPP layer)
  • Deformable Convolutional Networks


pip install -r requirements.txt


1.Download model.

Model Download link
ResNet-50 BaiduYun, GoogleDrive
ResNet-50-ASPP BaiduYun, GoogleDrive

2.Config network

revise the db_config.py

cfg.BACKBONE = 'resnet_v1_50'
# if trained model name does not have aspp, it should be False.
cfg.ASPP_LAYER = False

3.Start to test img.

python inference.py --gpuid='0' --ckptpath='path' --imgpath='img.jpg'

Samples show

org show poly show bbox show
poly_img poly_img bbox_img
binarize_map threshold_map thresh_binary
bin_map thres_map bin_thres_map


This repo is train on CTW1500 dataset. Download from BaiduYun (key:yjiz) or OneDrive.

Training model

1. Get the CTW1500 train images path and labels path.

revise the db_config.py

# Train data config
cfg.TRAIN.IMG_DIR = '/path/ctw1500/train/text_image'
cfg.TRAIN.LABEL_DIR = '/path/ctw1500/train/text_label_curve'

# Val or test data config
cfg.EVAL.IMG_DIR = '/path/ctw1500/test/text_image'
cfg.EVAL.LABEL_DIR = '/path/ctw1500/test/text_label_circum'

2. Muti gpu train and config network.

revise the db_config.py

# only support 'resnet_v1_50' and 'resnet_v1_18'
cfg.BACKBONE = 'resnet_v1_50' 
# if you want to train aspp network, it should be True
cfg.ASPP_LAYER = False
cfg.TRAIN.VIS_GPU = '5,6' # single gpu -> '0'

3. Save train logs and models.

revise the db_config.py

cfg.TRAIN.TRAIN_LOGS = '/path/tf_logs'

4. Pretrain or restore model.

If you want to pretrain model, revise the db_config.py

cfg.TRAIN.PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH = 'pretrain model path'

If you want to restore model, revise the db_config.py

cfg.TRAIN.RESTORE_CKPT_PATH = 'checkpoint path'

5. Start to train.

python train.py

6. Tensorboard show

cd 'tensorboard path'
tensorboard --logdir=./

Red line is train logs, blue line is val logs.

Losses show

binarize loss threshold loss threshold binary loss
binarize_loss threshold loss thresh_binary_loss
model_loss total_loss
model_loss total_loss

Acc show

binarize acc threshold binary acc
binarize acc threshold binary acc


Test on RTX 2080 Ti.

BackBone ASPP Input Size Infernce Time(ms) PostProcess Time(ms) FPS
ResNet-50 × 320 13.3 2.9 61.7
ResNet-50 × 512 19.2 4.5 42.2
ResNet-50 × 640 28.9 5.2 29.3
ResNet-50 × 736 33.2 5.7 25.7
ResNet-18 × 320 12.2 2.9 66.2
ResNet-18 × 512 16.9 4.5 46.7
ResNet-18 × 736 32.7 5.7 26
ResNet-50 640 32.6 --- ---