
use unidbg to emulate dy23.3.0 for X-Medusa, X-Helios

Primary LanguageJava


use unidbg to emulate dy 23.3.0 for X-Medusa and X-Helios

how to run

  1. git clone https://github.com/zhkl0228/unidbg (the version is 3512f1d33c417c2f835430916b58612b0f7d599c)
  2. download dy233.apk from wandoujia
  3. place "dy233.apk" in the relative directory "unidbg-android/src/test/resources/dy233"
  4. place "Sign6.java" in the relative directory "unidbg-android/src/test/java/com/ss/android/ugc/aweme"
  5. remove the code vm.checkVersion(version) from the relative path "unidbg-android/src/main/java/com/github/unidbg/linux/android/dvm/DalvikModule.java"
  6. place "exe" in the relative directory "unidbg-android/src/main/resources/android/sdk23/proc/self"
  7. execute the main function of Sign6.java




There is a bug in the signature obtained by running the code. The X-Argus field should have a length of 240, but it is only 216. At present, I'm still trying to locate and solve the bugs.