#Robot Unicorn Attack Extreme Edition
####[Live Link][link] [link]: http://huan-ji.github.io/robot-unicorn-attack/
Robot Unicorn Attack Extreme Edition is a Javascript side scroll game inspired by Robot Unicorn Attack, built using the Phaser.js game engine.
##Technical Highlights
The purpose of this project is to utilize unique technologies within the Phase.js game engine such as the advanced P2 physics engine and parallax scrolling to provide a simple yet stunning gaming experience. Some technological highlights below:
- Provides accurate collision detection against complex terrain through polygonal texture mapping with Phaser P2 physics engine
- Three layers of parallax environment using Phaser tilesprite animation for 3D immersion
- Utilizes Phaser.js game states to provide game asset loading screen with progress bar
- Dynamically adjusting plus score font size based on player combo performance, utilizes logarithmic algorithm.
- Javascript
- Canvas
- Phaser.js