#.NET Core Microservice Architecture Templates

This repository provides a collection of templates for building microservices using .NET Core in different versions. The templates are designed to help developers get started with building microservices using the C# ASP.NET Core framework.

The templates included in this repository are:

  • netcoreapp5.0: a template for .NET Core 5.0
  • netcoreapp7.0: a template for .NET Core 7.0

Each template includes a basic microservice architecture with an API, data access layer, and service layer. The templates also include example code for implementing features such as authentication and logging.

Getting Started

To get started with using these templates, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the folder for the version of .NET Core that you want to use.
  3. Use your favorite IDE or text editor to modify the code to fit your needs.
  4. Build and run the application.


If you find these templates useful or if you just want to show your support, please consider giving us a star on GitHub. You can do this by clicking the "Star" button at the top of the repository page. Your support helps us to improve the project, and it also helps others to find and use our templates. Thank you for your support!

If you would like to contribute to this project, please submit a pull request with your changes. Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your code follows the Microsoft C# Coding Conventions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.