
Analytics service that is part of iter8. It contains statistically sound algorithms to support canary releases and A/B testing.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status License

This is the repo for the iter8-analytics component of iter8. For all iter8 user documentation, please refer to https://github.com/iter8-tools/docs.

Documentation for iter8-analytics developers

Running iter8-analytics v1.0.0 locally

The following instructions have been tested in a Python 3.7.4 virtual environment.

1. git clone git@github.com:iter8-tools/iter8-analytics.git
2. cd iter8-analytics
3. pip install -r requirements.txt 
4. pip install -e .
5. export ITER8_ANALYTICS_METRICS_BACKEND_URL=<URL of your prometheus service>
6. cd iter8_analytics
7. python fastapi_app.py 

Navigate to http://localhost:5555/docs on your browser. You can interact with the iter8-analytics service and read its API documentation here. When you POST a request to iter8-analytics, it interacts with Prometheus -- make sure your Prometheus URL in step 5 is accessible if you want the POST to work.

Testing iter8-analytics v1.0.0 locally

The following instructions have been tested in a Python 3.7.4 virtual environment.

1. git clone git@github.com:iter8-tools/iter8-analytics.git
2. cd iter8-analytics
3. pip install -r requirements.txt 
4. pip install -r test-requirements.txt
5. pip install -e .
6. export ITER8_ANALYTICS_METRICS_BACKEND_URL=<URL of your prometheus service>
7. make test

You can see the coverage report by opening htmlcov/index.html on your browser. The prometheus URL in step 6 is a dummy URL since all Prometheus calls are mocked in tests.