
Build container image

(cd deploy; make)

This creates a custom CA, key, and cert for the mutating webhook service. The key and cert are then put into the webhook container image.

Push container image

make push


cd deploy
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
export CA_BUNDLE=`cat ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n'`
cat webhook.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -

This creates the mutating webhook service that the apiserver will call whenever new deployments are created. The custom CA we created above is given to the apiserver so it can validate webhook's cert when making a TLS connection.


Make sure to have spire-csi-webhook already running in the cluster.

cd deploy
kubectl apply -f workload.yaml

The annotation of spiffe.io/inject-cert: "true" will trigger the mutating webhook to add the spire csi ephemeral volume to the deployment. In the pod's /var/run/secrets/spire directory, SPIRE identities of this deployment can be found.