
Maven2 to Gradle build converter

Primary LanguageGroovy

This tool obtains the effective pom of the current project, reads its dependencies and generates build.gradle scripts.

Features list:

  • Uses effective pom and effective settings (support for pom inheritance, dependency management, properties)
  • Supports both single module and multimodule projects
  • Generates settings.gradle for multimodule projects
  • Supports custom module names (that differ from directory names)
  • Generates general metadata - id, description and version
  • Applies maven, java and war plugins (as needed)
  • Supports packaging war projects as jars if needed
  • Generates dependencies (both external and inter-module)
  • Generates download repositories (inc. local maven repository)
  • Adjusts java compiler settings
  • Supports packaging of sources and tests
  • Supports testng runner
  • Generates global exclusions from Maven enforcer plugin settings

To do:

  • Generate deployment settings (with support to optional dependencies and provided scope in generated pom.xml)


  • Note: Current version only works with Gradle 1.0-RC-Milestone3
  • Note: Current version only works with Maven 3.0+ (see FAQ for the Maven 2 exception. Contribute a pull request if you can solve it.)
  • Option 1:
    • Download the latest jar from JFrog Artifactory repository
    • Put the jar into $GRADLE_HOME/lib
    • Put the batch files from sources bin directory into $GRADLE_HOME/bin
  • Option 2:
    • Run the gradle installScripts task which automatically copies the latest JAR and scripts into the aforementioned directories.


  • Run maven2gradle batch in the root of the converted project

Available options:

  • -verbose prints the obtained effective pom
  • -keepFile saves the obtained effective pom

Building from source:

  • Option 1:
    • If wishing to only build locally, there are no special requirements for building.
  • Option 2:
    • If wishing to deploy the resultant JAR and Source, you'll need a gradle.properties file, as described here: http://gradle.org/0.9-rc-3/docs/userguide/userguide_single.html#sec:repositories
    • Look at "Accessing password protected Maven repositories", example 33.24.
    • Create gradle.properties file in your ~.gradle and define USER and PASSWORD properties.
    • Trigger the use of this file and values by setting -Dupload=true on the command line invocation of the Gradle build.

Note: Your project will be considered multi-module only if your reactor is also a parent of at least one of your modules. Why so? Reactor project is built last, when Parent project is built first. I need reactor to be built first, because effective-pom Mojo generates needed output only if it founds modules in first project it encounters. Making reactor also a parent achieves this.

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