
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is an application to allow members of a team to get to know each other.

You log in using a mozilla persona id (linked to your email address) and then you'll be presented with the list of groups you belong to (which will be none initially).

You can now create a team and invite new members to join by entering their email address (including yourself - you can administer a team without being a member).

To setup your own instance on heroku:

heroku apps:create
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter
git push heroku master

You should now generate a new rails secret for heroku

heroku config:add RAILS_SECRET=`rake secret`

For photo storage, you will need to configure an S3 account:

heroku config:add S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=
heroku config:add S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=
heroku config:add S3_BUCKET=
heroku config:add S3_URL=

If you want some admin users to be able to assume the identity of others:

heroku config:add OMNIPOTENT_USERS=user@domain.com

If you want some email domains to be able to view teams they are not members of:

heroku config:add BLESSED_DOMAINS=domain.com

You can specify the email sender by setting another environment variable:

heroku config:add FROM_EMAIL=sender@domain.com

You will also need to specify the preferred base url:

heroku config:add BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000

For local development, you can copy the SENDGRID_USERNAME and SENDGRID_PASSWORD and use them as local environment variables.

To use google maps, you will need to provide a google api key

heroku config:add GOOGLE_API=your_api_key


You can experiment with the API from the command line

First, set a couple of environment variables:

export OCELOTS_URL=http://localhost:3000
export OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN=f1ac4214-5426-4597-9b74-ea63167f4750

Membership Details

To request information on all the teams you are a member of:

curl "$OCELOTS_URL/api/memberships?auth_token=$OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN"

Team Details

To request details of a team you are a member of:

export TEAM_SLUG=ateam
curl "$OCELOTS_URL/api/teams/$TEAM_SLUG?auth_token=$OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN"

Profile Details

To request details of a person's profile who you are in a team with (using gravatar style hash of email address):

export EMAIL_HASH=`md5 -qs "email@domain.com"`
curl "$OCELOTS_URL/api/profiles/$EMAIL_HASH?auth_token=$OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN"

Antechamber messages

To request the message contents of the antechamber for a team (with an optional id to request recent messages)

export TEAM_SLUG=ateam
curl "$OCELOTS_URL/api/antechamber/$TEAM_SLUG?auth_token=$OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN"
curl "$OCELOTS_URL/api/antechamber/$TEAM_SLUG?auth_token=$OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN&from=23"

To add a new message:

export TEAM_SLUG=ateam
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"content":"message"}' "$OCELOTS_URL/api/antechamber/$TEAM_SLUG?auth_token=$OCELOTS_AUTH_TOKEN"