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A robust and easy way to add HTML5 web content to your PC/Mac application.
uWebKit2 is available for purchase at $95/seat. A seat required for each project team member (programmers, artists, designers) running uWebKit in the Unity Editor. uWebKit2 is a free upgrade for uWebKit1 license holders.
Please use this Unity forum thread for uWebKit discussion
Excellent integration with the Unity3D editor including simple deployment
Example scenes and prefabs, Multitab Browser, 2D WebGUI, 3D WebTexture, Javascript Messaging, Facebook login, etc
Support for many HTML5 web standards including content and cookie caching, CSS3, video, and local storage
Powerful, easy to use WebView component
Javascript: evaluation with return values, bidirectional messaging using JSON, persistent Javascript Objects
HTTPS support for secure connections
IME support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc
Full C#/C++ source hosted on GitHub, compile and fork without relying on a black box!
Windows/Mac 32/64 bit platforms
High performance Direct3D9/11 and OpenGL renderers
Web rendering implemented as a subprocess, keeps your application memory space clean with ability to restart the web process on demand
Built with industry standard Qt
No nonsense binary and source licensing
Support and customization available. Please contact
If you're interested in a uWebKit2 source license, which allows source customization and redistribution of modified binaries please contact
Please report issues with uWebKit using the GitHub Issue Tracker