
My EMACS config file

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

this is my emacs config file suitable for c, c++, fortran, python,
html,css,javascript programming and latex document editing.

on linux-like system:
copy the .emacs and .emacs.d into your home directory,DONE.

Keyboard shortcut:

Ctrl-z:     switch between vim/emacs key binding
Ctrl-space: toggle on/off ibus input method
Ctrl-=:     toggle on/off region comment
Shift-F1:   switch to shell
F1:         execute asynchronous shell command
Shift-F12:  kill curent buffer and window
F5:	    open/close navigation window
F6:         switch between text mode and normal mode
F7:         compile
F9: 	    cycle between buffers

more function can be found in the .emacs file, which is self-explained.