
My Vim config file

Primary LanguageVim Script

README file create by dhuang at 2012-04-06 Fri 07:17 PM

everone has his own vimrc file, this one is trying to help speed up the workflow of fortran programmer.it is paritally base on http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm/docs/vim-guide/, and has been modified to best fit the requirement of editing c/python/FORTRAN program.

* C/FORTRAN/python syntax hightlight
* code folding
* fast switch between traditional vim and a IDE like interface(F5)
* default UTF-8 encoding
* type "make" to compile c/fortran program(not dependent on MAKEFILE).
* type "make" to run python code in debug mode
* python doc display in preview windows and tab auto-complelte
* locate syntax error position for gfortran/intel fortran
* comment c/FORTRAN/python with '\cc',and uncomment with '\cu'
* code snippet insert for fortran/matlab

* bufexplorer
* NERD_commenter
* supertab
* winmanager
* winfileexplorer
* snippmate(with my FORTRAN/MATLAB snippet, read /snippets/fortran.snippets)

on linux-like system,copy the .vimrc and .vim to your home direcotry and you are done.