
1. Setup

Add the mtpush-react-native package to your project.

npm install mtpush-react-native --save

If using React Native version higher than0.60 skip to step 2 because Autolinking is now done automatically .

If using React Native 0.60 or lower, run:

react-native link mtpush-react-native

2. Android Setup

  • build.gradle

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
    repositories {
        // huawei push need. If you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
        maven { url '' }
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        // google push need,and google push need AndroidX. If you do not need google channel,delete it.
        // Please add android.useAndroidX=true in
        classpath ''
        // huawei push need,if you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
        classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // huawei push need,if you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
        maven { url '' }
plugins {
  id ''
  id 'com.facebook.react'
  // google push need. If you do not need google channel,delete it.
  id ''
  // huawei push need,if you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
  id 'com.huawei.agconnect'

android {
      // google/huawei push need,it needs to be the same as the one on google/huawei console.
  signingConfigs {
      debug {
          storeFile file("android.keystore")
          storePassword "123456"
          keyAlias "keyAlias"
          keyPassword "123456"
      release {
          storeFile file("android.keystore")
          storePassword "123456"
          keyAlias "keyAlias"
          keyPassword "123456"

      defaultConfig {
          applicationId "yourApplicationId"           //Replace your app package name here
          manifestPlaceholders = [
                  ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_APPKEY: "yourAppKey", //Replace your APPKey here
                  ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_CHANNEL: "yourChannel", //Replace your channel here
                  ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_PROCESS: ":remote", // Fill in the process where Engagelab sdk works here
                  ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_SITE_NAME: "" // The name of the data center is optional. If not filled in, it defaults to the Singapore data center.
                   // The mi client configuration needs to be the same as that on the Xiaomi console, and the server configuration needs to be configured on the Portal console.
                  XIAOMI_APPID            : "MI-xxx",
                  XIAOMI_APPKEY           : "MI-xxx",
                  // The meizu client configuration needs to be the same as that on the Meizu console. It also needs to be configured on the Portal console.
                  MEIZU_APPID             : "MZ-xxx",
                  MEIZU_APPKEY            : "MZ-xxx",
                  // The oppo client configuration needs to be the same as that on the oppo console. You also need to configure the server configuration in the Portal console.
                  OPPO_APPID              : "OP-xxx",
                  OPPO_APPKEY             : "OP-xxx",
                  OPPO_APPSECRET          : "OP-xxx",
                  // The vivo client configuration needs to be the same as that on the vivo console, and the server configuration needs to be configured in the Portal console.
                  VIVO_APPID              : "xxx",
                  VIVO_APPKEY             : "xxx",
                  HONOR_APPID             : "xxx",

      // google push need java 1.8. If you do not need google channel,delete it.
      compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
      implementation project(':mtpush-react-native')  // Add mtpush dependency
  • setting.gradle

    include ':mtpush-react-native'
    project(':mtpush-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/mtpush-react-native/android')
  • The huawei channel requires the agconnect-services.json file, which is configured in the module directory of the application. Please obtain it from huawei channel console

  • Google channel requires the google-services.json file, which is configured in the module directory of the application. Please obtain it from google channel console

  • If the meizu channel cannot obtain the token, try adding android.enableR8 = false in to close R8.

3. iOS Setup

Note: You need to open the .xcworkspace file in the ios directory to modify your package name

3.1 pod

pod install
  • Note: If the project has been installed using pod, please execute the command first

    pod deintegrate

3.2 Manual

  • Libraries

    Add Files to "your project name"
  • Capabilities

    Push Notification --- ON
  • Build Settings

    All --- Search Paths --- Header Search Paths --- +
  • Build Phases


4. Quote

4.1 Android


4.2 iOS

refer to:AppDelegate.m

4.3 js

refer to:App.js

5. API

refer to:index.js

6. Other

  • Be sure to run the example project before integration.
  • If you have urgent needs, please go to EngageLab Community
  • If you want to report a problem, please call MTPush.setLoggerEnable(true} first to get the debug log.