TabGroupie is a plugin for pentadactyl. It allows you to create tabgroups, rename them and move the currently use tab from group to group with pentadactyl. under constuction: It works, but if you have any ideas that may improve this plugin let me know. requires: Firefox 4.0 (or similar) or higher install: Just copy the TabGroupie.js to ~/.pentadactyl/plugins/ (on Windows: %USERPROFILE%\pentadactyl\plugins) and it will work with these six commands: tgroup-change [TARGETGROUPTITLE] tgroup-delete [GROUPTITLE] tgroup-get [TABINDEX] tgroup-new [NEWGROUPTITLE] tgroup-switch [TARGETGROUPTITLE] tgroup-title [NEWTITLE] tgroup-open [param the same as open] after restarting pentadactyl. uninstall: Just remove TabGroupie.js from ~/.pentadactyl/plugins (on Windows: %USERPROFILE%\pentadactyl\plugins). Thanks: I like to thank Kris Maglione for helping me out with the completion and my Dad, Thammi, Astro and dodo and all other whos freetime I wasted for the codereviews and advices. I learned a lot about JavaScript, Firefox and Pentadactyl. Have fun with TabGroupie.