Persistent Collectives X- A collective communication library for high performance, low cost persistent collectives over RDMA devices.
This library is aimed at providing a minimal latency persistent collectives, while minimizing CPU/GPU utilization to near-zero. This is done by taking advantage of the persistent attributes of the communication, while using several different technologies- Including: RDMA, Core-Direct, NIC calculation capabilities, peer-direct and network device memory (when available), in combination with (almost) complete sofware bypass on data-path.
PCX provides a (relatively) easy, c++ based mid-level interface for implementation of high performance collectives using simple commands.
PCX is currently in a PoC stage, targeted at accelerating Deep learning distributed training.
Requirements: Using PCX requires special firmware modifications (Needed to ignore wqe index check, so we can recycle wqes) As a temporary workaround, a shell script for disabling wqe checks in connect-X5 is provided.
use: sudo ./ At your own risk, to enable expirimenting with pcx (May need to modify the device beforehand)
use: sudo ./ To hopefully undo any damage the previous script might have done.
Examples: Examples for implementation of collectives over PCX can be seen here: