./vimrc/.vim/bundle/vim-fugitive/autoload/fugitive.vim:4930:function! fugitive#Diffsplit(autodir, keepfocus, mods, arg, args) abort My maps to achieve this: nnoremap <Leader>gh :Gsdiff<CR>:windo set wrap<CR> nnoremap <Leader>gv :Gvdiff<CR>:windo set wrap<CR> My default settting is set wrap, so the idea was to recover the setting after using Gsdiff and Gvdiff ./vimrc/.vim/bundle/nvim-yarp/autoload/yarp/core.vim:104: call self.error('try_notify ' . a:method . ' failed, job is dead') Error detected while processing function provider#clipboard#Call[6]..6: line 8: E691: Can only compare List with List Error detected while processing function provider#clipboard#Call[6]..6: line 8: E15: Invalid expression: match(&clipboard, '\v(unnamed|unnamedplus)') >= 0 && get(s:selections[a:reg].data, 0, []) ==# clipboard_data clipboard: provider returned invalid data ./neovim/src/nvim/eval.c:10617: EMSG(_("E691: Can only compare List with List")); Linux clipboard unnamedplus ./neovim/runtime/autoload/provider/clipboard.vim:161: if match(&clipboard, '\v(unnamed|unnamedplus)') >= 0 && get(s:selections[a:reg].data, 0, []) ==# clipboard_data /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/clipboard.vim ./neovim/src/nvim/ops.c:6105: EMSG("clipboard: provider returned invalid data");