
A repository of papers, RFCs, documents, eBooks, how-tos and more. Just one place to find an intersection of knowledge focusong on the topic of AI as whole.

Papers Repository

Just a one stop shop kind of repo to find the most relavant papers, documents, guides and how-tos. Simply got tired of jumping round the internet finding a paper or something only to find the link no longer works. So - here it is. Hope to have this list grow and become more in depth.

Sorry for checking in binaries but I do see this space evolving one day to allow for works in progress to be included for the latest things coming out.

Enjoy and hope this was helpful!

Directory Info

  • Deep Learning: papers from across the globe focusing on the most relavant and popular papers to date.
  • RFCs - A Request for Comments (RFC) repo which are formal documents from the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ) that is the result of committee drafting and subsequent review by interested parties. Some RFCs are informational in nature. Rather than having on the web - here they are in PDF easy to grab.

DISCLAIMER: By no means do I take credit for any of these works unless in fact it is mine and referenced accordingly. Each and every Author has been keep intact within the document. Should there be any issues with having a document in this repo please feel free to contact me directly so we can address the issue. No eBooks will be committed unless they are freely available or authorized to do so by the Author(s) of the publication.