Charlie Munger 简介及文集整理

Charlie Munger 是谁?


从 1984 年到 2011 年,芒格一直担任 Wesco Financial Corporation 董事长,他还是 Daily Journal Corporation 的主席,同时也是 Costco Wholesale Corporation 的董事。

芒格,1924 年1月1日出生于美国内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,至今已 94 岁高龄。详细生平介绍可参见 查理·芒格—维基百科 or 关于查理·芒格 他热爱阅读,以至于孩子们觉得他是一本长了两条腿的书。


“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Discharge your duties faithfully and well. Systematically you get ahead, but not necessarily in fast spurts. Nevertheless, you build discipline by preparing for fast spurts. Slug it out one inch at a time, day by day. At the end of the day – if you live long enough – most people get what they deserve.” — Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger 的演讲文集

Charlie Munger 的书籍和文章

Charlie Munger 的致股东信及会议纪要

Charlie Munger 的视频和音频

Charlie Munger 有关的书籍

Charlie Munger 推荐的书籍


