
The go language version developed based on hashlips_art_engine. Added and deleted some functions

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


The inspiration for this tool is based on HashLips Art Engine.

Our official links

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Why building a new tool?

JS is very general, but there are still some dependency problems (especially canvas-related libraries), we believe many people will face the same problems as we do.

Also, when making our own NFT project, we also encountered many new requirements, some of which can be achieved by modifying the existing code, but some are difficult to achieve.

So in the end, we decided to rewrite a tool in a language we were familiar with.

And our goal is: efficient and sustainable use (only use official libraries).

Feature Differences


  • canvas blend mode
    • If canvas blend mode is necessary for your project, please keep using HashLips Art Engine
    • It takes 50 seconds for a single thread to generate 100 images, but it can be shortened to 20 seconds after multi-threading is enabled. (Complete test on our computer)
  • SOL metadata (Supported in v0.0.2)
  • static background
  • extra metadata (Supported in v0.0.2)
  • pixel or gif output


  • Multi-threaded generation
    • Spawns 50% faster on our computer compare to single thread
  • Colorsets for multi-component color combinations
  • Limited component collocation
    • for example: this hair may only appears on that head
  • Conflict elements (v0.0.3)
    • for example: this necklace will not match this dress
  • Set start id
  • Set custom 'none' property name
  • More metadata output options
    • show 'none' property or not, show dna or not, etc.
  • Save and load DNA history (coming soon)
  • Numerical attributes generation (coming soon)

Conflict Elements

For example, let's assume layer A is rendered before layer B, and there is an element named cloth1 in layer A, which is conflict with the element named necklace1 in layer B, before this, maybe you need to manually check these conditions, but now, you can directly add the following settings to config.json to achieve this goal:

When the random algorithm selects cloth1 in layer A, necklace1 in layer B will be ignored directly, instead, it will select one of the other elements.

Also, if cloth1 is also conflict with necklace2, you can change the line to below style:

"cloth1": "necklace1,necklace2"

i.e.: you can use commas , to connect multiple upper-level elements that conflict with the same underlying element

Note: you should always use the name of the underlying element as the key


Use Release

Put the file of the your operating system to the folder to generate the image, and ensure that the directory of the file contains the following structure

- Your folder
  - golips_art_engine_XXX (The executable file corresponding to your computer system)
  - conf/config.json (Configuration file, create a 'conf' folder and put the 'config.json' file in it)
  - layers/your_layers_for_generating (Your layer files)

Examples of conf and layers folders you can find in this project

After making sure that the config file and layer files have been configured, go into the folder and run golips_art_engine_XXX


Please make sure to install the official environment of the go language. (>= go 1.16) Official Go: https://go.dev

Then run:

git clone https://github.com/LipConqueror/golips_art_engine.git

Enter the folder you just cloned, then run:

go run .

And DONE! Like mentioned above, this tool relay on no third-party library, so you don't need to do anything else. You can find your NFT and metadata files in builds


You can find config.json in golips_art_engine/conf/, which decided how the NFT series will be generated. And here are some descriptions about some fields in config.json

fields description
dnaSettings.startId what the first nft's id will be
metadataSettings.saveDnaInMetadata save dna in metadata or not
metadataSettings.showNoneInMetadata save none attribute in metadata or not
metadataSettings.noneAttributeName specify your own 'none' file name
processCount how many threads used to generate at the same time, Recommended 2 ~ 3
layersOrder.options.hideInMetadata hide this layer from metadata
layersOrder.options.colorSet which colorset should this layer belong
layersOrder.options.isColorBase if set to 'true', colors will come from this layer for that colorset

Hope you create some awesome artworks with this code💄


本工具的灵感与基础来源于 HashLips Art Engine.


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💄 Discord



JS 非常通用, 但仍然会有一些依赖方面的问题(尤其是涉及到canvas相关库的安装与使用时), 我们相信很多人面临着和我们一样的问题。






  • canvas blend mode
    • 如果canvas blend mode对你项目来说是必须的,那么请继续使用HashLips Art Engine
  • SOL metadata (v0.0.2已支持)
  • 静态背景
  • 额外的metadata (v0.0.2已支持)
  • 像素化和生成动图


  • 多线程生成
    • 生成速度在我们的电脑上提高了50%以上,对比单线程生成
    • 同样生成100张图片,单线程需要50秒,开启多线程后可以缩短到20秒(在我们的电脑上完成测试)
  • 色彩集合-跨组件/层级的多组件/层级颜色统一方案
  • 限定组件搭配
    • 举个🌰:只有这个头型能顶那个特殊发型
  • 冲突元素(v0.0.3)
    • 举个🌰:当穿了这件衣服,就不能搭配那条项链了
  • 设定起始ID
  • 设置自定义的‘空’组件名称
  • 更多元数据自定义选项
    • 是否展示‘空’组件, 是否展示DNA, 等等
  • 保存和读取DNA历史 (即将到来)
  • 数值属性生成 (即将到来)


举个例子,我们假设layer A会在layer B之前渲染,在layer A中呢,有一个元素叫cloth1,但这个元素与layer B中的元素necklace1冲突了,在这之前,也许你需要手动检查找出这种情况,但现在,你可以直接在config.json加入如下配置来实现这个效果:

当随机算法在layer A中选择了cloth1之后,算法将直接无视layer B中的necklace1元素,而从其他元素中选择一个。


"cloth1": "necklace1,necklace2"






- 你的文件夹
  - golips_art_engine_XXX(对应你电脑系统的可执行文件)
  - conf/config.json (配置文件,创建一个conf文件夹,再将config.json文件放入其中)
  - layers/your_layers_for_generating (你的图层文件们)




请先确保你已经安装了官方的go语言环境。(>= go 1.16)

官方Go: https://go.dev


git clone https://github.com/LipConqueror/golips_art_engine.git

进入你刚刚clone的文件夹, 然后运行:

go run .







字段 解释
dnaSettings.startId 生成的NFT的起始ID
metadataSettings.saveDnaInMetadata 是否要在元数据中保存DNA
metadataSettings.showNoneInMetadata 是否要在元数据中保存属性为‘空’的图层
metadataSettings.noneAttributeName 设定你自己的‘空’属性名
processCount 同时进行生成的线程数,推荐是2~3
layersOrder.options.hideInMetadata 是否在元数据中隐藏这一图层
layersOrder.options.colorSet 这一图层属于哪个色彩集合
layersOrder.options.isColorBase 如果这个字段为'true', 那么这个色彩集合的颜色名,将出自此图层

