
This repo contains the code to script tweets using various APIs provided by Twitter.


Python Python 2 Package: Twython

File structure

  • It contains the key funtionalities that scrape data from Twitter calling Twitter's API
  • It calls the functions in to perform the two main tasks in this project
    • (1) To Search for all the tweets that contain a specific "keyword within a certain timeframe (the hasttag mode)
    • (2) To download all the past tweets in a user's timeline (The timeline mode)
  • (currently not used in the project), running this code, it could get the most recent posts of users as live streams
  • This file is not directly related to searching and downloading tweets. This

The pipeline

  1. prepare the list of keywords and save them in targetfile (as mentioned below in the parameter section)
  2. run using hashtag mode
  3. sift out the user using their profiles and save the user list to another targetfile
  4. run using user mode


A twitter developer credential is needed to run the code.
My personal credential is stored in credential1.txt and credential2.txt. They can be used to test the code.
Yet I strongly recommend to apply for new ones for the purpose of future research.

The parameters of the code

In order to call the from command line, I added parameters parsing as a component of the program. The parameters and their meanings are as follow. Please search argparser package for detailed instructions.

'--credential', type=str, default="credential2.txt"        #Use this parameter to decide which twitter dev account to use
'--root', type=str, default="D:/GitHub/Twitter-Search-and-Stream"     #Set
'--mode',type=str, default="users"                                    # Choose between users/hashtag mode 
'--db',type=str                                             #the name of the database we want to save our downloaded tweets
'--targetfile',type=str                       #the input file that saves the hashtags or userlist we want to search with
'--filetype',type=str,default='binary'            #the type of that input file
'--start_date',type=str                                      #start date of the tweets we are search for, in the format of 2018
'--date_delta',type=int, default=1                           #maximum length of the time period we want to scrape
'--maxTweetsPerDay',type=int, default=60000
'--first_user',type=int, default=-1                          #designed to resume previous scraping tasks
'--logfilenumber',type=str, default=''                       #the program will save error information in logfilenumber