
This repository is used for training neural networks for twitter sentiment analysis.


Python 3


Using to train the model.

The usage of the variable preprocessed

The training is divided into data preprocessing and training of the neural nets.
The data preprocessing constitutes most of the runnning time of this file. So, I added a variable preprocessed to the file.

  • Set preprocessed=True when training on new data. It will process the csv file into npy files, and then train the model.
  • Set preprocessed=False when training on preprocessed data. It will load the npy files, and train the model starting there.

Weights of the model

Weights of the model will be saved in a folder under the repository's root named weights

Data Format

In the case when preprocess=True, the input file should be csv format, with at least three columns twt and rep\dem, which are the twitter raw text and the label of that twitter. An example is uploaded to this repository. An example could be found in the sample datasets.


Using to test the model. The program will load the weights trained from training, and generate prediction based on the testing set. The input for testing is similar to the input for training.

Interpretation of the testing result

There will be a new column appended to the csv file named prob_0 which is a continuous number between 0 and 1. It means the probability of the tweet in the same line to be classified as 0. If the prob_0 value is high, that means our model strongly believe this tweet should be labelled 0 (number 0 and 1 are stands for positive and negative, which are subject to the user's preference. In the case of Immigration topic, if in the training set we use 1 to represent pro-Immigration, and 0 to represent anti-Immigration, then a high prob_0 score, such as 0.98 suggests the model strongy believes the tweet is anti-Immigration. The testing program agrees with whatever defined in the training set).