
Google Apps Script to get Vietnamese stock price and make notification

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vietnamese Stock

Simple Google Apps Script to get Vietnamese Stock information such as price, volume

Demo picture

How to setup

  • Login to your google account
  • Create a new blank google spread sheet at google drive, naming the sheet is stocks, format your sheet follow my demo image. Add stocks symbol which you care about, from A3:A20.
  • In the Google Sheet UI, select Tools > Script editor to open the script bound to the sheet in the Apps Script editor.
  • Write the macro function. Macro functions should take no arguments and return no values. Copy my main.gs content and patse to marcro.gs file.
  • Save the script project. The macro is then available for use in the sheet.
  • In the script function UI, select Select Function menu, select main or setDataGoogleSheet and run it.
  • Check your google sheet :cheer:

What's next?

  • You can setup a trigger for example to get stock price every minute.
  • Whatever you want with your stock data.

Current features

  • Reload stock price periodically
  • Send mail to receivers when prices change