Please create a new conda environment and run:
pip install requirements.txt
CIFAR10 will be downloaded automatically
For PACS dataset, please refer to ./data/ for install
For NIPS17 dataset, you can run \
kaggle datasets download -d google-brain/nips-2017-adversarial-learning-development-set
and then put it into ./resources/NIPS17
All the models in our paper are from torchvision, robustbench, timm library, and the checkpoints will be downloaded automatically.
We also encapsulate some models and defenses in "./models" and "./defenses". If you want to attack them, you can download their checkpoints by yourself
attacks: Some attack algorithms. Including VMI, VMI-CW, CW, SAM, etc.
data: loader of CIFAR, NIPS17, PACS
defenses: Some defenses algorithm
experiments: Example codes
models: Some pretrained models
optimizer: scheduler and optimizer
tester: some functions to test accuracy and attack success rate
utils: Utilities. Like draw landscape, get time, HRNet, etc.
tester.test_transfer_attack_acc(attacker:AdversarialInputBase, loader:DataLoader, target_models: List[nn.Module]) \
This function aims to get the attack success rate on loader against target models
attacker = xxxAttacker(train_models: List[nn.Module])
You can initialize attacker like this.
Here is an example of testing attack success rate on NIPS17 loader.
from models import resnet18, Wong2020Fast, Engstrom2019Robustness, BaseNormModel, Identity
from attacks import MI_CommonWeakness
attacker = MI_CommonWeakness([
BaseNormModel(resnet18(pretrained=True)), # model that requires normalization
Identity(Wong2020Fast(pretrained=True)) # model that do not need normalization
from tester import test_transfer_attack_acc
from data import get_NIPS17_loader
Identity(Wong2020Fast(pretrained=True)), # white box attack
Identity(Engstrom2019Robustness(pretrained=True)), # transfer attack
For more example codes, please visit './experiments' folder. There are some example codes using our framework to attack and draw landscapes. I believe you can quickly get familiar with our framework via these example codes.
HRNet is a function that aims to reduce memory cost when crafting adversarial examples.
We haven't implemented the convolution of HRNet. Up to now, HRNet can only help to reduce about 30% of memory cost
from models import resnet18
from utils import change
model = resnet18()
model = change(model)
Please cite us:
title={Rethinking Model Ensemble in Transfer-based Adversarial Attacks},
author={Chen, Huanran and Zhang, Yichi and Dong, Yinpeng and Zhu, Jun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.09105},
If you have any question, you can contact us by: