Exposed on top of Vert.x Reactive SQL Client
Only PostgreSQL with Reactive PostgreSQL Client is currently supported.
Here is a basic usage guide. This project currently serves our own use, therefore, there are temporarily no detailed docs, APIs are experimental, tests are incomplete, and please expect bugs. To learn more in addition to the guide below, see DatabaseClient.kt and DatabaseClientSql.kt for the major APIs.
val socketConnectionConfig =
ConnectionConfig.Socket("localhost", user = "user", password = "password", database = "database")
val exposedDatabase = exposedDatabaseConnectPostgreSql(socketConnectionConfig)
val databaseClient = createPgPoolDatabaseClient(
vertx, socketConnectionConfig, exposedDatabase = exposedDatabase
object Examples : IntIdTable("examples") {
val name = varchar("name", 64)
val tables = arrayOf(Examples)
For example, to create tables:
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
databaseClient.exposedTransaction {
With these core APIs, you create and execute Exposed Statement
s. You don't need to learn many new APIs, and the Statement
s are more composable and easily editable.
// The Exposed `Table` extension functions `insert`, `update`, and `delete` execute eagerly so `insertStatement`, `updateStatement`, `deleteStatement` have to be used.
val insertRowCount = databaseClient.executeUpdate(Examples.insertStatement { it[name] = "A" })
assert(insertRowCount == 1)
// `executeSingleUpdate` function requires that there is only 1 row updated and returns `Unit`.
databaseClient.executeSingleUpdate(Examples.insertStatement { it[name] = "B" })
// `executeSingleOrNoUpdate` requires that there is 0 or 1 row updated and returns `Boolean`.
val isInserted = databaseClient.executeSingleOrNoUpdate(Examples.insertIgnoreStatement { it[name] = "B" })
val updateRowCount =
databaseClient.executeUpdate(Examples.updateStatement({ eq 1 }) { it[name] = "AA" })
assert(updateRowCount == 1)
// The Exposed `Table` extension function `select` doesn't execute eagerly so it can be used directly.
val exampleName = databaseClient.executeQuery( eq 1))
databaseClient.executeSingleUpdate(Examples.deleteWhereStatement { eq 1 }) // The function `deleteWhereStatement` still depends on the old DSL and will be updated.
databaseClient.executeSingleUpdate(Examples.deleteIgnoreWhereStatement { id eq 2 })
With these extension APIs, your code becomes more concise, but it might be more difficult when you need to compose statements or edit the code:
databaseClient.insert(Examples) { it[name] = "A" }
val isInserted = databaseClient.insertIgnore(Examples) { it[name] = "B" }
val updateRowCount = databaseClient.update(Examples, { eq 1 }) { it[name] = "AA" }
val exampleName1 = { select( eq 1) }.single()[]
// This function still depends on the old SELECT DSL and will be updated.
val exampleName2 =
databaseClient.selectSingleColumn(Examples, { selectAll().where( eq 2) }.single()
val deleteRowCount1 = databaseClient.deleteWhere(Examples) { id eq 1 }
assert(deleteRowCount1 == 1)
val deleteRowCount2 = databaseClient.deleteIgnoreWhere(Examples) { id eq 2 }
assert(deleteRowCount2 == 1)
APIs using Exposed GADT mapping
Please read that library's basic usage guide first. Here are examples of this library that correspond to that library's CRUD operations.
val directorId = 1
val director = Director(directorId, "George Lucas")
databaseClient.insert(Directors, director, Mappers.director)
val episodeIFilmDetails = FilmDetails(1, "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace", directorId)
// insert without the ID since it's `AUTO_INCREMENT`
databaseClient.insert(Films, episodeIFilmDetails, Mappers.filmDetailsWithDirectorId)
val filmId = 2
val episodeIIFilmDetails = FilmDetails(2, "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones", directorId)
val filmWithDirectorId = FilmWithDirectorId(filmId, episodeIIFilmDetails)
databaseClient.insert(Films, filmWithDirectorId, Mappers.filmWithDirectorId) // insert with the ID
val fullFilms =, Mappers.fullFilm) {
select(Films.filmId inList listOf(1, 2)) // This API still depends on the old SELECT DSL and will be refactored.
Also see for some dependency code which serves this library.