In which we give Lokaltog/vim-easymotion a streak of malevolence.
Obligatory screencast
Currently most motions are supported, and it's easy to define your own easymotions.
(evilem-define (kbd "SPC w") 'evil-forward-word-begin)
To define easymotions for all motions that evil defines by default, add
(evilem-default-keybindings "SPC")
This binds all motions under the prefix SPC
in evil-motion-state-map
. This is not done by default for motions defined manually. You will need to supply the prefix.
Not all motions can be made easy (evil-goto-line
for example).
If you want to access the motions in other evil states, you can easily use a redirection keybind
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "M-SPC") (lookup-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "SPC")))
I invite you to open issues about whatever you find lacking in evil-easymotion
! I will try to get to you in a timely fasion (probably only good until 2016).
Pull requests are welcome as well!
I'm deeply indebted to:
- abo-abo for authoring
, which inspired this package. In particular, the functionali-generic
which allowsace-jump-mode
to jump to arbitrary points. - winterTTR for authoring
, on which this package depends. - Lokaltog for authoring
and creating the paradigm which this package emulates.