
Hey there :wave: ! I'm Eric. This is my profile description.

Hi! I'm Eric.

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

  • 🔬   Researching on a novel 802.11 WiFi protocol with Prof. Peter Marbach.
  • 💼   Incoming Amazon AWS Software Engineer Intern.
  • 🤔   Exploring new technologies and developing softwares.
  • 🎓   Studying Computer Science and Data Science at the University of Toronto.
  • 🌐   AWS Certified Developer Associate (Credentials).
  • ✍️   Pursuing Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Web and Internet Technologies as my CS specialist focuses.
  •   Answering questions actively on StackOverflow.

🛠  Tech Stack

  • 💻   Python C/C++ Swift Java SQL Rust R (Statistics)
  • 🌐   HTML CSS JavaScript/TS React Node.js Vue.js
  • ⚙️   Spring AWS Azure PyTorch Pandas Git

🤝🏻  Connect with Me