
winlibs standalone build of GCC compiler and MinGW-w64

MinGW-w64 - winlibs standalone build

The winlibs standalone build of GCC compiler and MinGW-w64. GCC is a free and open source C/C++ compiler. MinGW-w64 is a free and open source for targetting Windows Intel 32-bit and Intel 64-bit platforms with C/C++ compilers. The combination of both gives you a free C/C++ compiler for Windows.

Additional tools are added to this build including:

  • GDB - the GNU Project debugger
  • GNU Binutils
  • GNU Make
  • Assemblers: Yasm, NASM, JWasm
  • CMake
  • ninja
  • ccache
  • Doxygen

Binary downloads are available for Windows only:

  • The i686 download is the Intel 32-bit version, which runs natively on and compiles for Windows 32-bit (of course it also runs on 64-bit).
  • The x86_64 download is the Intel 64-bit version, which runs natively on and compiles for Windows 64-bit.

Each build is built with itself, so optimizations included in newer GCC versions are also compiled into the compiler itself.

The ultimate goal of winlibs is to also provide libraries built with this compiler, in order to provide a comprehensive C/C++ development environment, with the following goals in mind:

  • provide both static and shared libraries where possible
  • focus on production quality (no debug versions of libraries and debugging information stripped from binaries)
  • useability from the MSYS 2 shell aswell as from IDEs like Code::Blocks

In addition to building GCC there are also releases of LLVM (which include Clang/LLD/LLDB), which are built with GCC and linked agains GCC's standard libraries.