
servicecomb orders micro service

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status

orders app

orders application written in [java] that processes the orders



Name Version
Docker = 1.11.2
Maven = 3.5.0
JDK = 8

example: docker-image-name:version-tag --> sockshop-orders-service:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT


git clone git@github.com:huawei-microservice-demo/orders.git


cd orders

Step3: Build the JAR file with using maven

maven clean install

Step4: Build the docker image with docker file and JAR file

docker build -t [docker-image-name:version-tag] . put the JAR file and docker file in same folder and execute the above command.

Step5: Tag the image with service stage

docker tag [docker-image-name:version-tag] registry.cn-north-1.hwclouds.com/hwcse/[docker-image-name:version-tag] Note: hwcse is service stage username. registry.cn-north-1.hwclouds.com is service stage available zone.

Step6: Docker login

docker login -u [username] -p [private-key] [registry-name]

Step7: Docker push

docker push registry.cn-north-1.hwclouds.com/hwcse/[docker-image-name:version-tag]


Create the appliation in service stage and give the respective docker image path.


Login to the service stage and check the status of application.