

Contains various utility functionalities for Java projects, including:

  • a simple interface to the commons-cli option parser, mostly for convenience
  • different utility methods that are often needed (e.g. deleting a folder structure recursively, concatenating two arrays, ...)
  • a framework to easily create modules which process inputs, generate outputs based on the inputs, and can be linked together easily
  • a pipe framework, which uses the disruptor framework and threads to execute tasks in parallel, and which is able to be easily loaded with the modules mentioned above
  • a thread-based file walker that executes a given EventHandler on files that are matched by a given pattern
  • a thread-based list processor, which does the same for elements of a given list instead of matched files
  • many pre-implemented modules for functionalities that may be useful in various projects, like:
    • writing a list of Strings to a file
    • searching for files recursively, returning a list of the results
    • reading a file and applying a given processor method to each line
    • sequencing a list, meaning a given input list is returned element by element to another linked module
    • simple access to the thread-based file walker and list processor
    • ...
  • many utility methods and classes, dealing with logging, math, arrays, csv-files, ...



  • Java JDK/JRE 1.8
  • Maven (I am using v3.3.9)

Before you can install this library, you have to set the environment variables JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME to an existing installation of Java 1.8. You can set them directly or you can add the following code to the settings.xml file that is located in your local mavan repository directory (.../.m2/settings.xml). If it doesn't exist, you may have to create it.



To compile the tool and generate JavaDocs, simply run 'mvn install' in the main project directory.

Bug reports

This project is under constant developement and is a research prototype. If you encounter any bugs, feel free to open an issue or write an e-mail with details of the bug and I will fix it as soon as possible.