Renderless Expression Builder for Vue.js


This is something I needed for a project, where I had to build an expression (or query) builder, with a layout drastically different from the standard query builder interface (such as the jQuery QueryBuilder), but with very similar functionality. This library is a layout-agnostic implementaiton, meaning, that it aims to serve as a core for flexibly creating query builder components with different complexities and specifications.

Demo implementation (with Bootstrap Vue)
Demo code

What it does:

  • Creates and manages the nested structure (nodes and node groups)
  • Let's you define a set of available fields for filtering (First Name, Created At, etc.), field types (date, text, number, bool, etc.), and operators (equals, in, etc.).
  • Let's you define a max depth for the query generated by the builder
  • Based on the above parameters, creates the actual conditions for the individual expression nodes

What it does not do:

  • Provide any layout implementation


npm install vue-renderless-expression-builder

Available named exports are:

  • Core - the underlying model objects
  • Components - the actual renderless components
  • Conditions - the default conditions and conditionFactory class, used internally by the renderless components




Prop Type Description
node Core.ExpressionNode node represented by the component

Available scopedSlots:

Slot Type Description
node Core.ExpressionNode node object, represented by the component
index number index of the current node, in its parent's children array
updateCondition Function(fieldName: string, operatorName: string, value: any) calls ConditionFactory.create with the params and updates the condition of the current node
deleteSelf Function deletes the current node
conditionFactory ConditionFactory condition factory instance



Prop Type Description
node Core.ExpressionNodeGroup node group represented by the component

Available scopedSlots:

Slot Type Description
node Core.ExpressionNodeGroup node group object, represented by the component
index number index of the current node, in its parent's children array
deleteSelf Function deletes the current node
conditionFactory ConditionFactory condition factory instance
toggleConnectionType Function toggles group's connection type between 'and' and 'or'
addNode Function(condition: Object?) adds a node at the end of the childrens array of the group
addGroup Function adds a node group at the end of the childrens array of the group
insert Function(node: Core.ExpressionNode(Group), index: number) inserts a node or node group at a given index



Prop Type Description
value Core.ExpressionBuilder? ExpressionBuilder instance to be represented by the component
fields ConditionFactoryField[] (below) list of user defined fields to be used in the builder
operators ConditionFactoryOperator[] (below) a list of operators available in the builder - default: Conditions.returnDefaultOperators
fieldTypes ConditionFactoryFieldTypeDefinition[] (below) a list of field types available in the builder - default: Conditions.returnDefaultFieldTypes
eventHub Vue? eventHub, that the builder and nodes use to communicate

Provided keys (provide/inject API):

Key Type Description
$__qb_condition_factory__ ConditionFactory ConditionFactory, that's injected to all ExpressionNodeRenderless and ExpressionNodeGroupRenderless components, but you can inject in the implementations as well
$__qb__event_hub__ Vue eventHub, that the builder and nodes use to communicate



Member Type Description
parentNode Core.ExpressionNodeGroup The node group containing this node
toJSON Function Returns a json representation of the current condition object
fromJSON (static) Function(json: Object) Creates a new Core.ExpressionNode instance from a json representation
condition Object Can be any object, however, the conditionFactory creates the condition objects with a specific schema - see below

Condition object schema:

  fieldName: "string",  // name of the field (fisrtName, dateOfBirth, etc.)
  operatorName: "string",  // name of the operator (equals, in, etc.)
  fieldTypeName: "string"  // name of the field type (text, date, etc.)
  value: any  // condition value


Core.ExpressionNodeGroup constructor params:

Param Type Description
opts Object default: {maxDepth: 0, currentDepth: 0, children: [], connectionType: "and"}
parentNode Core.ExpressionNodeGroup The node group containing this node

Core.ExpressionNodeGroup members:

Member Type Description
parentNode Core.ExpressionNodeGroup The node group containing this node
maxDepth number the max depth of the nested structure, defaults to 0 (meaning infinite depth)
currentDepth number the depth of the current node group in the current nested strucure
toJSON Function Recursively creates a json representation of the current node group and its children
fromJSON (static) Function(json: Object) reates a new Core.ExpressionNodeGroup object from a json representation
flatten Function returns a 1 depth array of arrays, flattening the nested condition, where the elements of each array are conditions of ExpressionNodes and are connected by AND and the inner arrays are connected by OR, so the result can be used for client-side filtering like this: list.filter(elem => => group.every(condition => validateCondition(condition, elem))).some(groupIsTrue => groupIsTrue))


Core.ExpressionBuilder constructor params

Param Type Description
root Core.ExpressionNodeGroup? or Object? (json representation) if it's undefined, a new Core.ExpressionNodeGroup is created
errorHandler Function(key: string, msg: string) called when an error occurs (like reaching max depth), can be used for notifying the user of errors

Core.ExpressionBuilder members:

Member Type Description
root Core.ExpressionNodeGroup the root node group of the current expression/query
context Core.ExpressionNodeGroup the current context, for which insertion and deletion method calls apply
insert Function(node: Core.ExpressionNode(Group), index: number) Inserts a node or node group at a given index in the children array of the context node group. If a node group was inserted, sets it as the new context. Returns the context, for fluent editing
set Function(node: Core.ExpressionNode(Group), index: number) Sets a node at a for a given index in the children array of the context node group. If a node group was inserted, sets it as the new context, Returns the context, for fluent editing
delete Function(index: number) Deletes a node from a given index in the children array of the context node group. Returns the context, for fluent editing
add Function(node: Core.ExpressionNode(Group)) Inserts a node or node group at the end of the children array of the context node group. If a node group was inserted, sets it as the new context, Returns the context, for fluent editing
contextUp Function sets the parentNode of the current context as the new context
contextToRoot Function sets the root as the new context
contextTo Function(path: number[]) sets a node group by a path from the root, as the new context ie. the first child of the root node can be set as context by calling contextTo([0])
flatten Function Calls the faltten method of the root Core.ExprssionNodeGroup
toJSON Function Calls the toJSON method of the root Core.ExpressionNodeGroup



ConditionFactory constructor opts

interface ConditionFactoryOpts {
  fields: ConditionFactoryField[];
  operators?: ConditionFactoryOperator[];
  fieldTypes?: ConditionFactoryFieldTypeDefinition[];
Param Type Description
fields ConditionFactoryField[] (below) list of user defined fields to be used with the conditionFactory
operators ConditionFactoryOperator[] (below) a list of operators available in the conditionFactory - default: returnDefaultOperators
fieldTypes ConditionFactoryFieldTypeDefinition[] (below) a list of field types available in the conditionFactory - default: returnDefaultFieldTypes

ConditionFactory members:

Member Type Description
fields ConditionFactoryField[] fields provided in the constructor
operators ConditionFactoryOperator[] operators provided in the constructor
fieldTypes ConditionFactoryFieldTypeDefinition[] fieldTypes provided in the constructor
create Function(fieldName: string, operatorName: string, value: any) returns: ConditionFactoryCondition (below)
createAndUpdate Function(node: Core.ExpressionNode, fieldName: string, operatorName: string, value: any) returns: void - updates the condition key of the current node with a newly created condition
interface ConditionFactoryField {
  type: string;
  name: string;
  label: string;
  operators?: string[];
  choices?: any[];  // used, if select-type type is used

interface ConditionFactoryOperator {
  name: string;
  label: string;  // operator display name

interface ConditionFactoryFieldTypeDefinition {
  name: string;
  availableOperators: string[];  // operators available by default for the field type
  label: string;  // display name for the field type

export interface ConditionFactoryCondition {
  fieldName: string;
  fieldTypeName: string;
  operatorName: string;
  value: any;



const defaultFieldTypes = {
  TEXT: "text",
  DATE: "date",
  NUMBER: "number",
  BOOLEAN: "boolean",
  CHOICE: "radio",
  MULTIPLE_CHOICE: "multipleChoice",
  SELECT: "select"


const defaultOperators = {
  EQUALS: "equals",
  NOT_EQUALS: "notEquals",
  GREATER_THAN: "graterThan",
  LOWER_THAN: "lowerThan",
  IN: "in",
  NOT_IN: "notIn",
  STARTS_WITH: "startsWith",
  NOT_STARTS_WITH: "notStartsWith",
  ENDS_WITH: "endsWith",
  NOT_ENDS_WITH: "notEndsWith",
  IS_EMPTY: "isEmpty",
  NOT_IS_EMPTY: "notIsEmpty",
  IS_NULL: "isNull",
  NOT_IS_NULL: "notIsNull",
  IS_ONE_OF: "isOneOf",
  NOT_IS_ONE_OF: "notIsOneOf"


	"name": "text",
	"label": "text",
	"availableOperators": ["equals", "notEquals", "isEmpty", "notIsEmpty", "endsWith", "notEndsWith", "startsWith", "notStartsWith", "isNull", "notIsNull", "in", "notIn"]
	"name": "date",
	"label": "date",
	"availableOperators": ["equals", "notEquals", "isNull", "notIsNull", "graterThan", "lowerThan"]
	"name": "number",
	"label": "number",
	"availableOperators": ["equals", "notEquals", "isNull", "notIsNull", "graterThan", "lowerThan"]
	"name": "boolean",
	"label": "boolean",
	"availableOperators": ["equals"]
	"name": "radio",
	"label": "radio",
	"availableOperators": ["equals", "notEquals"]
	"name": "multipleChoice",
	"label": "multiple choice",
	"availableOperators": ["in", "notIn"]
	"name": "select",
	"label": "select",
	"availableOperators": ["equals", "notEquals"]


    "name": "equals",
    "label": "equals"
}, {
    "name": "notEquals",
    "label": "not equals"
}, {
    "name": "graterThan",
    "label": "greater than"
}, {
    "name": "lowerThan",
    "label": "lower than"
}, {
    "name": "in",
    "label": "in"
}, {
    "name": "notIn",
    "label": "not in"
}, {
    "name": "startsWith",
    "label": "starts with"
}, {
    "name": "notStartsWith",
    "label": "doesn't start with"
}, {
    "name": "endsWith",
    "label": "ends with"
}, {
    "name": "notEndsWith",
    "label": "doesn't end with"
}, {
    "name": "isEmpty",
    "label": "is empty"
}, {
    "name": "notIsEmpty",
    "label": "is not empty"
}, {
    "name": "isNull",
    "label": "is null"
}, {
    "name": "notIsNull",
    "label": "is not null"