
Columbia AoE project to help resolve and understand the Opioid Epidemic

Primary LanguagePython

Opioid Epidemic Relief Project


  • opioid_deaths/*.json - Opioid mortality raw value count by county for every year from 1999 to 2015
  • unemploymentByCounty.json - Includes unemployment data for every county from 1999 to 2016
  • Part_D_Opioid_Prescribing_Change_Geographic_2013_2014_backup.csv - Includes opioid prescription rates from 2013-2014 by county. Retreived from the cms.gov site.

Helper Tools

  • boilerplateDataLoad.py - Automatically loads the main data set and can be copied and edited to do complex data analysis.


Under the /analyis subdirectory are python scripts to perform statistical operations on the data above. Currently the system supports correlating opioid deaths with unemployment data.


Want to gain the same insights and follow our process. Do the below.

  1. Enter the analysis/ directory.
  2. Run python3 deathsAndUnemploymentRegression.py. A graph should pop up and statistics should be printed to terminal. In the background two files containing the slope and r^2 values will have been written to the disk.
  3. To visualize this data you can employ dataVisualization.py and the accompanying counties.svg. To write the r^2 values run python3 dataVisualization.py r_2_values.json > r2byCounty.svg and load the SVG inside a web browser.
  4. Using the above, you can write any data that is mapped to by the county code.
  5. To recreate our analysis of prescription rates, run python3 prescriptionAndDeathsRegression.py and you can analyze the output graphs and printed statistics. You can also view the slope and r^2 values in files generated in the same directory.
  6. To recreate the analysis of the link between unemployment and prescription, run python3 unemploymentAndPrescriptionRegression.py and you can then review the output graphic showing the raw unemployment and prescription data points in a point cloud and also analyze the county by county link via manipulation and viewing of unemployment_prescription_values.json (slope) or its companion r^2 file.

Replication of Data Retreival

  1. In the main directory simply run python unemploymentCrawler.py and wait for the process to complete (will likely take several hours). It will write all the data to unemploymentByCounty.json.
  2. For the BLS website, you will have to manually retreive entry as automated scripting of confirming use of the site is against policy.