
Proxy requests to the API through Nomie w/ name substitution.

Primary LanguagePython

Nomie API Proxy

Proxy requests to the API through Nomie with name substitution.


  • Whether using Heroku or a personal server, you will need to create two environement variables (NOMIE_API_KEY and PROXY_KEY). NOMIE_API_KEY should equal your Nomie Pro device key, and the PROXY_KEY is a variable that helps prevent random people from using the proxy to log items without your consent.
  • To deploy to Heroku, simply type heroku create followed by git push heroku master. Your proxy is now live.


  • POST/GET /<PROXY_KEY>/<TRACKER_NAME> or <PROXY_KEY>/<TRACKER_NAME>/<VALUE> - Logs an event with the specified value or if no value is supplied will log it without providing a value to the Nomie API
  • POST/GET /note/<PROXY_KEY>/<TEXT> - This will log the text provided as a note. You can use URL encoding to include more complicated text additions.