Unsupervised Learning

This git repository holds the scribe notes for lectures.

Quick Usage

Forking repo. Create a fork of this repo by clicking on Fork on the top-right corner of the page. See also: forking a repo

Generate main. Navigate to your local repository. In the root directory contains the shell script make_main.sh. This helps you generate the main.tex file for specific chapters.

$ ./make_main.sh
Warning: this operation will overwrite main.tex
Enter chapter numbers to generate: 1 2 6-9
Include parts? [yN]:

main file exported to ./main.tex

In the above example, this will generate a main.tex file that will load chapters 1,2,6,7,8,9. Leaving the chapter numbers blank will generate the whole book.

Note: you may need to give make_main.sh executable permission:

$ chmod +x make_main.sh

Note: if you cannot run the make_main.sh file, you can copy the main.tex.backup file to main.tex and make changes to the main.tex file manually.

Making a pull request. Once you've finalized your scribe notes, please submit a pull request on github. We will review your notes, and if no major changes need to be made, we will merge your branch into the master branch.

Compiling LaTeX. We recommend installing latexmk (often comes with texlive), and running:

$ latexmk -pdf main.tex


Here is the general shape of the tex-related files:


Our goal is to reduce the number of conflicts: each student will scribe on a particular section(s) within a chapter. For example, the section on k-means is chapter_1/3_kmeans.tex.

The chapter_1/chapter_1.tex file combines all the section files together. This way, ideally, only one student will be modifying a tex file at a time.

Best Practices

LaTeX We've defined some commonly used macros below you may feel free to use. Please don't edit the preambles before consulting with us! Let us know if you need to import an additional package or think we should include other macros.


Expectation:  \E
Probability:  \Pr
Variance:     \Var
KL Div:       \Div{}{}        % looks like D( - || - )

Matrix (bf):  \mat{}
Vector (bf):  \vec{}

Abs:          \abs{}
Norm:         \norm{}
Inner prod:   \ip{}
Argmin:       \argmin{}
Argmax:       \argmax{}
Varepsilon:   \eps

Reals:        \bbR
Rationals:    \bbQ
Naturals:     \bbN
Complex Num:  \bbC
Integers:     \bbZ
Finite field: \bbF

git Everytime you edit any part of a line, git will save the change for the whole line. However, in text, a line could potentially be a whole paragraph. So, please consider turning on automatic word wrapping to help truncate each line at, say, 70 characters.

In emacs, you can turn this on using:

M-x auto-fill-mode

In vim, this is

:set tw=70